Ok thanks all for your opinion guys, they really helped me and gave me support in the past 2 or 3 days during my "brain-puzzle" mood. So i decided to hold and generate, like someone of you suggested which makes me feel good enough (by generate i meant mine and some lending business i have around) so the feeling is not only "it's growing because the price" but even "it's growing cuz i myltiply my coins"
Also, to the ones that suggested trading might be too risky during halving approach: i agree. I'm going to stop trading because any trading chance might be a new risk aaaaaand the rampage can make me prolly happier than dozens of micro-daily-trades.
I will lock this thread in a few hours, i will just give the chance to anyone willingly to still add comments: as Lauda suggest...once you got the right suggestions, it is pretty useless to leave a thread like this open...it would just feed the sig spam making people to just repeat the same said things over and over, without adding anything useful
Happy halving to all of you !