Have you checked if your funds are in one single input, or many smaller inputs?
If you enable the 'bullion control features' in the vault by clicking on options/display.
You can then view your inputs within the 'send bullion' tab.
If your funds are split into many smaller inputs, these inputs will stake less often than a larger single input.
You can send your full balance to one of your own addresses to consolidate.
Also yes the Vault does lock when sending any funds after being asked for your password whilst being unlocked for staking only (although the lock symbol displays that it is unlocked after sending). You can click it locked, click again and re-enter your password to unlock for staking.
Maybe this bug can be fixed, it has also caught me out a couple of times already.
Closed , and reopen staked within an hour , but after silence till now , looks like I need to do this to get stakes , any ideas why I'm having this problem . I'm on a laptop i7 , win10 , what other details do I need to provide?
Guys , how do I stop the wallet from going to sleep ? , I restarted twice and each time after an hour or so I got a stake!help