... Also, any groups of less than or equal to 500 CBX will be grouped together automatically by the Vault.
I believe this isn't happening on my side. I had 6 CBX "on the side" and they never got aggregated to the main chunk. I'll make a test targeting this feature and will let you know.
Confirmed. It doesn't aggregate.
You can try to launch wallet with old selection system:
CryptoBullion-Qt.exe -hardstake
It maybe will stake better but use more ressources
I started Vault with that switch some hours ago. I just got a stake but the small amount which didn't stake (1.6 CBX) is still separate.
It won't add 1.6 cbx if it is not needed....
I mean why would he use more coin if it already has got enough coin to discover the stake block ?
In fact you want that your wallet use too much coin for a stake... ?
That's not useful because the reward is based on money supply and not coins staked.
That's a bit weird to want that lol
Sorry, I didn't understand. I'm staking with just 143 CBX, and I'm staking very infrequently and irregularly. I don't know how much is "needed" but that's way under 500 CBX. I would like to increase my staking frequency by adding every "dust" to the main pile until it's enough (as suggested before in this thread). How does Vault know it's "needed"? If it never stakes (so aggregating would in fact be needed), it will never have the chance to do it.
So either it aggregates small inputs or it doesn't. What's the criteria?
Hi, you can use the coincontrol feature to manually select all of the inputs in the addresses in your vault, to then combine them by sending in one transaction to yourself and creating a single input of 143 CBX for future PoSP staking. It also will not split as its below the 500 coin threshold for an input mentioned above, and if wallet always running you will see some regular PosP stakes from it
From my experience with PoSP so far, smaller inputs will take longer to stake, but it will happen. If you acquire more CBX from faucet or exchange in future, remember to combine them, as the individual inputs will likely be too small on their own (o.005CBX etc) to be able to stake
Hope that helps