As many know, US regulations are extremely challenging to navigate but the companies that do so provide a level of insurance, credibility, validity and stability that large investors demand. This US regularoty approval gives services such as Coinbase and Coinbook promise of beign wildly successful as well as the coins that obtain listing on their respective platforms.
Now I mention ( because we have established communication, they are fans of and will list Bullion (CBX). However there is a caveat. Due to US regulations, they cannot do so if we implement anon or coin mixing features... We could still implement masternodes with instant transactions and self-governance, however, coin mixing and anon functions would have to be omited.
I personally feel Bullion does not need to be an anonymous coin. Our niche is wealth storage, we are the Digital Precious Metal. There are other coins designed to serve the anon purpose, do we NEED this feature? Yes it is a nice to have, however, is it worth missing out on an opportunity such as this?
This is a decision we would like the community's input on. Please see the new poll at the top of the page and lets hear your vote. Feel free to reply with comments to this thread as well.
Thank you in advance.
The most profitable thing for bullion would be to be listed in the first wave and I hope that removing anonymity from the code won't cause this first wave to fail.
Either way, it's very good news.