Well, local testing for the mining pool is a strange thing. You literally have three different possible places where an issue can be and tracking is next to nothing. For those that are thinking about doing a pool themselves for Burst here are a few things that we figured out that seem to appear no where that we could find on the web. I will tell you the one issue that we have still not been able to fix when we get to that part of setup.
The whole system is comprised of the Burst Wallet and the mining pool software. The wallet that we are using is one of the latest builds and has a little GUI built in so that helps make things go easier. The dl link is
https://github.com/burst-team/burstcoin/releases. It is a simple unzip to where you are going to have the files. If you have Burst, then you likely have this already. The db download that lessens the amount of time to sync can be downloaded from
https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/6anamQ3PVfaFxlO/download. This can go into the db folder in your wallet folder, you can find it. Once that is in place, make sure the wallet has synced and all that good stuff. Light touches on those things because we assume you have already done it.
http://download1594.mediafire.com/j00bbs9abnog/pcd6shyarj5hs64/Burst-Pool.rarThat should be the link for the pool. The folder will be named burst-pool-master or similar. You can extract the folder to where ever, I keep the wallet and the pool in separate folders but together in a Burst folder with the Uray miner folder. Now, before touching the pool, Google and install node.js. Pretty quick and easy. Then go into the pool folder and set up the conf file. Since you have the wallet installed, you should be running Java and you should have the Java exe in your PATH, if not Google that and fix it.
Note.....a trick to modifying JS files without using bulky IDE's is to open something like Wordpad and then tell it to open the file you want to edit. Once Java has been installed, some JS and Java files will just autorun no matter what you do if you open them from the file side, from within a text editor is easier. There's directions to setting up that file, so have at it. Personally, I used the burst team online wallet to view my details, just quicker. By default, the pool will host a page on port 80, if that is a conflict, change it.
Now, your wallet should be running and synced, if you just started Burst, give it a few and when localhost:8125 shows properly in your browser it is time. You want to start the mining pool from within a command prompt. An easy way is to open the folder, go to file....and you will see command prompt. That starts it off right from that folder. Once the command prompt is up type "node burst-pool.js". If you get an unrecognized command error, make sure that node is in the PATH. You should see things moving along and a message soon that the server has started. If so, go to
http://localhost in your browser and you will recognize the UI.
A note, even after doing a proper conf file in the pool, the website template needs to be tweaked with your address and URL, that is not automatic.
Now, here's where out issue hit. We keep seeing an API error in the website when it tries to get the pools balance. First we fiddled with the pool and it seems that the issue is in the wallet/daemon, not the pool. First, after reading the nxt config in the wallet folder, I found that the API location was listed as html/ui and there was no NXT folder there. So, I copied the NXT folder from the src folder, just outside of the wallet and put it there. That is no right. The reference is meant to be handed to Java and the NXT folder is right where it should be, in the src folder. The address references in the pool config are worded funny, so I modded those values and still nothing. I have gone to
http://localhost:8125/test which lets you play with the API calls and that is all good. All in all, there is the daemon running, which is actually NXT, since Burst is a child, Java, JS, and Jetty. I am not familiar with Jetty. The pool works, per se, it moves along and has pretty accurate seeming info. I even mined to it and that worked, but payments will likely get hooked on that balance issue. The best I can figure is that the address and key info in the pool config is wrong. There are fields for the pools private keys and for a key that mentioned RS. These have to be right, as the private key is the passphrase for the pool wallet and since they mentioned RS, that means the address starting with BURST.
poolPublic and poolFeePaymentAddr are a little more tricky. If you look at your wallet address info, pool public is the label used for the long string address, all numbers. The second field is an odd inclusion. I do not know why, by default, they would assume a different wallet would handle fees. For this one I used the short all numeric address, not sure that is right. I was looking and just realized that pvtkey and passphrase may not be the same. Wish us luck...
Edit....solved....the time we had the wallet offline for implementation caused it to need about ten minutes to sync, once it was synced the balance info completes.