Dont buy Burst. Its risky. Wait for the announcement on December 27 first before making decisions.
I support your advice that people should not go full retard about the Dymaxion without knowing what it is.
However the notion to not buy
anything before the announcement seems extreme.
If market is speculation and risk (and I believe it is just that, oblivious otherwise to the deeper information
about the objects of trade), then everyone should make some risk-assessment that would lead to some
investment between 0% and 100% of his funds.
Clearly, going %100-all-in is as crazy as %0, so please don't say 0% as advice, because that is an equally
extremist position as saying %100 (sell your house, wife, kids, but keep your post stamps).
Market analysis says upward trend. Even if there was no Dymaxion, BURST doesn't seem like a bad investment.