It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
2018-10-22 00:54:36+00 TheSupremeKye
2020-10-23 17:34:12+00 PleaseLucky
2020-11-25 23:02:29+00 FuckGlasscock
2020-12-01 17:49:03+00 snapcode
2020-12-08 19:01:24+00 Obese
2020-12-09 17:02:26+00 Thagamegivesback
2021-02-04 19:36:58+00 Hankisayounglegend
2021-02-04 20:19:47+00 ImAtWork
2021-02-04 20:55:17+00 Godsesh
2021-02-06 01:19:41+00 imupnext
2021-02-06 07:49:57+00 InLoveWithTheDevil
2021-02-06 09:31:49+00 Ineedxmascash
2021-02-06 14:29:04+00 dodamage
2021-02-06 18:39:57+00 1ktothemoon
2021-02-09 16:12:54+00 wincondition
2021-02-09 17:24:07+00 Mygirlneedsthis
2021-02-13 16:27:23+00 OffWhiteShoes
2021-02-13 16:52:28+00 Danielisacunt
2021-02-13 23:20:51+00 FuckSamFuckTaylor
2021-02-15 07:13:26+00 Ineeddough
2021-02-22 17:53:12+00 flytoajuan
2021-02-22 22:37:22+00 700Bits
2021-03-01 02:49:12+00 haventgambledinyears
2021-03-03 06:48:05+00 Ineedcoinz
2021-03-05 01:37:35+00 Flytoamilli
2021-03-08 03:13:25+00 Forgaby
2021-03-31 04:39:37+00 Tan_11
2021-03-31 04:40:19+00 FuckItDoit
2021-04-01 01:42:03+00 actuallydepressed
2021-04-02 01:50:55+00 Cantdealwiththishurt
2021-04-03 01:12:21+00 whyyoucryingmama
2021-04-03 01:13:46+00 Newgraphs
2021-04-04 06:14:53+00 4321istheway
2021-04-04 16:39:20+00 5for5
2021-04-07 01:08:40+00 thelastsesh
2021-04-13 21:43:16+00 Oncemoreforgaby
2021-04-15 03:26:56+00 beforeisleep
2021-04-20 03:40:41+00 JonsDownBad
2021-04-21 02:53:48+00 highvaluechad
2021-04-22 05:20:20+00 Downbadd
2021-04-23 16:59:26+00 Greedycunt
2021-04-25 21:22:41+00 Formyson
2021-04-30 05:02:45+00 Lassaksmoney
2021-05-02 03:17:55+00 Paracata
2021-05-06 00:46:09+00 Tan-1107
2021-05-08 22:08:22+00 Ineedtoflip
2021-05-15 16:55:28+00 iworkatacarwash
2021-05-16 23:46:50+00 Irubbedthebuddha
2021-05-27 03:28:58+00 paybacklollaticket
2021-05-29 00:25:48+00 pleasepayme
2021-05-29 13:29:58+00 Thecopdidntstopme
2021-05-29 15:18:35+00 danielhacks
2021-06-02 22:35:56+00 AMC-APE
2021-06-04 15:56:27+00 formyuncle
2021-06-08 22:58:07+00 freesesh
2021-06-10 17:40:05+00 fiending
2021-06-14 21:46:29+00 Kyegotusasesh
2021-06-19 05:51:26+00 cargonnablow
2021-07-02 10:40:35+00 biggerdick
2021-07-02 16:53:43+00 4thOfJuly
2021-07-04 11:15:51+00 Jonispussy
2021-07-04 14:15:47+00 horri
2021-07-04 14:25:03+00 ThanksForMuting
2021-07-05 17:42:35+00 pleasedanielmanplz
2021-07-05 17:44:35+00 nyanpussy
2021-07-08 20:26:27+00 Fuckingpussy
2021-07-08 20:54:25+00 retardedpussy1
2021-07-08 21:12:37+00 FuckDaniel1010
2021-07-17 21:15:37+00 Downbaddd
2021-07-23 20:40:20+00 EasyMoneySniperr
2021-07-26 18:07:30+00 farzo
2021-08-07 16:34:55+00 Another40
2021-08-07 16:35:23+00 Forourancestors
2021-08-07 17:05:53+00 Danielabitch
2021-08-08 00:24:18+00 Arielthegoat
2021-08-10 02:50:05+00 Kriegler
2021-08-10 04:20:03+00 Shlabbamahnob
2021-08-10 16:33:47+00 Ineedsomebarts
2021-08-10 16:54:30+00 Needablessingor2
2021-08-10 22:06:48+00 Alexisadouche
2021-08-14 03:31:18+00 Whorefat
2021-08-15 15:52:09+00 Crazy222iloveyou
2021-08-17 05:36:49+00 Lollapalooza
2021-08-20 10:33:02+00 CumShit
2021-08-25 15:20:08+00 Alexdagoat
2021-08-26 14:39:22+00 Plz1moretime
2021-08-27 06:25:53+00 Alexthegoat
2021-08-28 04:02:51+00 Arielmahboi
2021-08-30 20:02:19+00 Bro000
2021-08-30 20:06:38+00 Brody000
2021-09-03 21:40:03+00 Uh000
2021-09-04 14:35:18+00 IsKaylaForMe
2021-09-07 03:44:51+00 gabygonerubdabuddha
2021-10-06 07:02:15+00 SquidW
2021-11-16 21:52:21+00 JustABadHairday-_-
2021-11-17 16:06:25+00 JustAbadHairDay0
2021-11-17 16:13:52+00 JustABadHairDay-
2021-11-19 12:21:38+00 SP0nbGeB0b
2022-01-03 16:29:57+00 Monopolyy
2022-02-06 08:39:00+00 Itismybirthday
2022-02-06 08:54:13+00 Itsmybrithday
2022-02-20 18:16:36+00 232allin
2022-02-23 06:48:23+00 4kbitsenuff
2022-02-23 06:48:56+00 Spidernigger
2022-02-25 21:19:48+00 Pressingcharges