Are you official representative of bustabitwin? Since you say that you are taking over what was started by xwarrior, could you please start with all questions related to your gambling site? Starting from why do you use "bustabit" on your name and about your bankroll which keep changing significantly day after day. You should explain about it honestly and professionally if you are serious to advertise your site in this forum.
look at this offering from xwarrior007
thing that surely have a questionable background and also connection to this claim, I believe that we must not fall into this trap and besides lets ignore their offerings .
OP does not have the face anymore he'll be defending his script, his casino, and his reputation so he just abandoned the project he forgot to lock up his thread we should all be aware especially to newbies the danger of this kind of casino and we should always check the background and past post of the developers before trusting them, not all who claim that they are offering a profitable method is worth our trust.
It would be nice if OP could then somehow block the thread, when you enter here more than anything it draws attention because it says bustabit, regardless of what they have added to the name when one realizes that it can be using the name of the site to taking advantage is a sad thing, because the first thing you think of is a scam.
It is always good to review the thread of at least 5 previous pages, especially for newbies who sometimes only read the last 2 or 3 posts. Although they say that Op won't come back, it would be great if he could come and clarify, so he doesn't get a bad impression of all the members.