BFL just sent you a nice letter with lots of yadda yadda. The interesting part is this here:
"Please be advised that [1]due to the adjustments described above, we need your confirmation prior to release of your order into the final build queue and on to final delivery. It may also be a good time to [2]review your purchase altogether relative to the bitcoin market as this is the last opportunity to do so. If your order is not confirmed, it will be canceled and your money will be refunded. "
They did this because of legal reasons - to be on the save side:
[1] They screwed up power and performance, so they want to get your OK.
[2] They screwed up shipment dates - and know that it will take a long, long time before your units will be shipped - and difficulty will have sky rocketed and you only make a fraction of the Bitcoins that you would have made had BFL shipped on time. They want to get your OK for that too.
Basically it's like a blank check for BFL: "OK we screwed up big time but you have to sign here XXX and confirm that this is still OK with you".
Not that some of you guys come up with the idea of suing them ...
Wake up, people!
They're doing this not because they are such a customer-friendly company - they are doing this for a reason.
Yes. It looks like good news but it isn't saying anything new. We know they've shipped a small number of Jalas. They don't claim to have shipped any Singles, or even say when they expect to.
If you read it carefully you'll see it is actually asking you to amend the contract of sale. If you do, you are not only agreeing to the changed specs, but you are effectively waiving your right to cancel as the time of shipping is not a term of the contract. So if it takes BFL twice as long to ship as you think it will you are stuck.
+1 Let the BUYER BEWARE!
+2 Be careful guys. I assume most of you who waited this long WANT your miner. What I would do is email or send them certified mail saying you accept but only as long as you get it by XX date otherwise you want a refund. That way you protect yourself a little, legally, from waiving everything and then they can make you wait another 6 months or whatever.