Litecoin doesn't have any of these problems.
I've only found this on Reddit:
Bitcoin holders have no reason to diversify to Litecoin without SegWit+LN because that can't solve the scaling either (4x the capacity is not solving the scaling). Without scaling solution Litecoin is useless. Without Bitcoin holders diversifying to Litecoin there won't be huge price surge. Litecoin miners need to demonstrate to investors and developers that they are agile and willing to progress so those frustrated with Bitcoin stalemate can move forward.
- Bitcoin will stay as it is, an immutable blockchain with high fees unable to scale to daily use
- Litecoin will have LN
- Litecoin will have Mimblewimble
- => LTC = 0.25 BTC
If we assume LTC will 25x against BTC, then if you diversify 4% of your current BTC holdings to LTC you have doubled your total BTC amount when that happens.