✨ Billionaire Pantera CEO Dan Morehead ignoring the FUD and buying #Bitcoin , exactly 11 years ago.
hereHe bought 30,000 BTC for $65, and is up 80,000% – all because he bought the dip 👏
Dan Morehead bought Bitcoin 11 years ago, it's really mysterious and currently reaps huge benefits.
Here you will know how profitable deep buying is and the importance of long term holding. So this opportunity is there to invest and hold for long term.
Sure it really feels good to buy Bitcoin at a DIP but when do we know that a DIP is enough to start buying? We have been experiencing DIP for sometime now and there are still people waiting for it to DIP more before they Buy which it may not go DIPPER than $52k which means expecting more DIP may not be achievable but instead Buying at the current price now can still be considered a DIP price in the next 10 years when the price must have climbed to a very high price
Of course, I doubt that anyone here is recommending waiting for or setting up a practice that relies on buying the dip rather than just buying regularly. Sure if you have already accumulated a lot of BTC at various prices, including current prices, you might wait for a further dip, yet even the way that I framed the matter would be premised upon your already having had bought a lot at current prices and maybe even at higher prices.
You Btcdeybodi have only been registered on the forum for 8 months, and sure it is possible that you have already accumulated a decent amount of bitcoin, so none of us can presume your circumstances, unless you describe them or some variation of them, so maybe you need to present some kind of a hypothetical person who may or may not be yourself in order that we might be able to present opinions regarding whether such a person might buy bitcoin or wait for further dips... to the extent that it might make a difference, and surely many of us will likely suggest to just keep buying and not to be fucking around with dips absent some story that you either front loaded your investment or maybe you have been into bitcoin much longer than your forum registration date or that you might be an already existing investor who has particular circumstances that might need to be described for us to decide whether waiting might be a better strategy than merely buying regularly.
so someone who bought Bitcoin now can also be celebrating buying at a DIP price but the only difference will be that they may not acquire as many Bitcoin as Dan Morehead bought in 2013 because if we calculate the amount he bought that 30,000 BTC with at the price of $65, it will give us $1,950,000.
Who cares about Dan Morehead? WE cannot turn back the clock, and also there are not too many folks who have around $2million sitting around... including that even lump sum buying tends to bring its own unique circumstances, and we cannot even presume that folks are generally able to lump sum buy. If you are someone with lump sum circumstances, then maybe you need to describe those circumstances to us including when you already bought and if you did not already lump sum buy, then why not? If you actually have a lump sum available to you, when did it come available. You can lump sum buy with that, DCA and buy on the dip, so maybe it would be good to know if you actually have a lump sum available that you are able to buy now, and maybe I would still question why it had been taking you so long, but surely there could be circumstances in which guys might have just gotten a lump sum available and they are fortunate enough to be in a dipping area that they could explore right now and decide how to apportion their lump sum in terms of either buying now or apportioning some of it towards DCA and/or waiting for a further dip.
People who have lump sums have more options than those who are ONLY able to buy $10 to $100 or whatever other amount per week based on fairly limited circumstances in the amount of their disposable income.
That is he used $1,950,000 to buy 30,000 BTC in 2013 but looking at the current price of Bitcoin now $1,950,000 can only buy 35 BTC at the price of $56k even though it gives $1,960,000.
Of course, and probably $2million in 2013 dollars would be $4 million to $6 million today, depending on what kinds of things are being bought with that quantity of money, so if you have $5 million then you could buy right around 89 BTC at $56k per BTC, but you still would face the dilemma of whether to buy all right away or to engage in some other way of buying, and also if you have had the lump sum for a while, why are you just considering BTC right now? What are the circumstances of such a person who might be considering buying BTC right now.
So what am trying to say is that sometimes, taking a look back at the success of others who bought and hodl Bitcoin years back at cheaper price gives some investors a wrong understanding that an intensive DIP can happen where they can have the opportunity to buy at more cheaper price but for me, inasmuch as you have long term targets there should be no need to always wait for a DIP before buying Bitcoin, you can actually buy at the current price and also hodl for a long term and experience a high profit as well even though it may not be as someone who bought and hodl Bitcoin years back.
All of these are fair points, observations and conclusions, so maybe in the end you came to a reasonable conclusion, and I guess your earlier points were just to argue with us (or to provoke?).