certainly I will be a new online shopping it fun for me
Good, you really enjoy to use your bitcoins for online shopping. But i have not a big heart to use my bitcoins for only cloths. Because in my country, we could buy cloths in a cheap price easily. Than definitely bitcoin is more precious for me to buying cloths.
This may lead us to the important issue we can spot when doing online shopping, in several countries it is just not worth it at all to buy clothes by internet because of a simple reason:prices are too high if we consider that you cannot even check if the e.g shirt or jacket fits you well.
So it makes you wonder, why the hell would you buy some pants or other clothing by online shop if you can get fairly better price in a real shop, and also because you have a chance to see the product on your own eyes?
That doesnt makes any sense for me, unless you are looking for some specified type of clothing or an exact brand, which is hard to buy not by the internet.