Agreed, because if they are going to catch the drug lords or the big fishes, then they could assure that those who are buying or using drugs can't buy anymore since the supplier and the maker of this illegal drugs has been already detained to prison. This big fishes that you were saying is the only problem, without them, there are no illegal drugs, and if there are no illegal drugs, then we don't have any problem about illegal drugs addiction.
Problem solved.
There are many legal drugs that are highly addictive such as oxycontin or morphine (or any optiate), and there are illegal drugs that are not addictive at all (lsd, psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, dmt, etc.).
The government is not looking out for your health by making non-pharmaceutical drugs illegal. Most deaths in the states are from completely legal drugs (tobacco, alchohol, prescription drugs).
There will be no illegal drugs when all drugs are legalized. Doesn't make sense to put anyone in jail for doing drugs in their own house.
What you refer to as "big fish" are organized crime, meaning they are part of the system we are in. There is no removing them unless drugs are legalized. Prohibition has failed miserably throughout history.