registration number: 18-0614
Support Services Division
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Helferstorferstrasse 17
Vienna, Austria
This is our petition:
Dear Secretary General of OPEC HE Abdalla Salem El-Badri, and representatives of the Member Countries !
We send you this letter for the purpose of careful consideration.
In today's world is increasingly taking place in the global market turmoil due to non viability of existing financial systems. Along with that, throughout history, the consumption of petroleum products is growing, and the GDP of many countries depends on the oil price. But the strangest thing about this is that as a result, the budgets of Petroleum Exporting Countries is still directly dependent by the U.S. dollar, the issue of which is not controlled by your country. Likewise, any currency of another country can not be controlled by society, why convert your wealth to the paper?
Our proposal is to replace the instrument and translating the whole system for open electronic payments. Already, we have developed a personalized e-currency to pay for the exported oil - OPEC Coin.
This currency has all the positive characteristics:
1. Limited quantity - ext. emission is essentially impossible.
2. Absolute independence from the current situation on the global and local financial markets.
3. Security operations and asset protection.
4. Practically no costs to maintain system performance.
Sure that for you and for the people of this question is very important, so we are fully prepared to interact with you on the proposal!
Sincerely, the team of crypto-currency OPEC Coin.
Nice, so just sit back and this coin