
Topic: (c ͡|Q ͜ʖ ͡o) [ANN][OPC] OPEC Coin POS stage, 2% per month. TipBot here! - page 67. (Read 110791 times)

full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Another great ,you idiot!

No wallet on OP.....the pools were so fast,that we are all fucked from the beggining....stick your coin .....

I got the wallet from the op link roughly 10 minutes before launch, the wallet was encrypted.

So perhaps you need to look better next time  Smiley
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1240
I've also added a Pool for this Coin:

x Currently 0% fee
x Suprnova Quality (we're X13 pioneers, we had the first MaruCoin Pool Smiley)
x DDoS Proof
x Payouts every 30 secs

@ Dev: Please add to OP

And we just found the first block with only 15% of required shares  Grin

Thanks for your support guys ! Smiley

Have fun mining !
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Another great ,you idiot!

No wallet on OP.....the pools were so fast,that we are all fucked from the beggining....stick your coin .....
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250 OPECCoin Pool

Register now, if you haven't already done so, and prepare your workers be ready for launch!

Stratum connection example:
stratum+tcp:// -u MinepitUsername.anything -p anything

MinePit Pools
  • 0.75% fees across the board
  • Rock solid security and stability
  • One registration to access all our pools
  • Auto payouts every minute (manual payouts too)
  • 24/7 on-site chatbox
  • Super fast, powerful, scale-able servers
  • Unbeatable DDOS protection
  • Unique, custom interface and back-end infrastructure
  • Super fast compile times - we aim to be one of the first pools running at every launch

Join us now!


very cool front end, but i've been connected for 30min and it's still showing about 1/4th my hashrate that sgminer is reporting.. normal or a problem with my conf?

The numbers on the front end is not displaying correctly at the moment, but the pool is very efficient.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0 is up and running!

sgminer.exe -k x13mod -o stratum+tcp:// -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword

Thank you! Added your pool!

I've also added a Pool for this Coin:

x Currently 0% fee
x Suprnova Quality (we're X13 pioneers, we had the first MaruCoin Pool Smiley)
x DDoS Proof
x Payouts every 30 secs

@ Dev: Please add to OP

Added your pool! Thanks for your support!
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
all that is not organized
full member
Activity: 198
Merit: 100
Solominig = No suitable long-poll found for
 Huh Huh Huh Huh
Help me please

Given the high difficulty, it's really not a good idea to solomine. Better join a pool, like mine at
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1240
I've also added a Pool for this Coin:

x Currently 0% fee
x Suprnova Quality (we're X13 pioneers, we had the first MaruCoin Pool Smiley)
x DDoS Proof
x Payouts every 30 secs

@ Dev: Please add to OP
Activity: 72
Merit: 10
Solominig = No suitable long-poll found for
 Huh Huh Huh Huh
Help me please
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1000
Admin of CoinMiners Pools is up and running!

sgminer.exe -k x13mod -o stratum+tcp:// -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
Activity: 28
Merit: 0 OPECCoin Pool

Register now, if you haven't already done so, and prepare your workers be ready for launch!

Stratum connection example:
stratum+tcp:// -u MinepitUsername.anything -p anything

MinePit Pools
  • 0.75% fees across the board
  • Rock solid security and stability
  • One registration to access all our pools
  • Auto payouts every minute (manual payouts too)
  • 24/7 on-site chatbox
  • Super fast, powerful, scale-able servers
  • Unbeatable DDOS protection
  • Unique, custom interface and back-end infrastructure
  • Super fast compile times - we aim to be one of the first pools running at every launch

Join us now!

very cool front end, but i've been connected for 30min and it's still showing about 1/4th my hashrate that sgminer is reporting.. normal or a problem with my conf?

The stats on the front end are a little out at the moment. Well.. a lot out. Working on getting those right!
Please, check your PM. I've sent you the potential solution. I think target bits are set too high. Should be 24.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100 OPECCoin Pool

Register now, if you haven't already done so, and prepare your workers be ready for launch!

Stratum connection example:
stratum+tcp:// -u MinepitUsername.anything -p anything

MinePit Pools
  • 0.75% fees across the board
  • Rock solid security and stability
  • One registration to access all our pools
  • Auto payouts every minute (manual payouts too)
  • 24/7 on-site chatbox
  • Super fast, powerful, scale-able servers
  • Unbeatable DDOS protection
  • Unique, custom interface and back-end infrastructure
  • Super fast compile times - we aim to be one of the first pools running at every launch

Join us now!

very cool front end, but i've been connected for 30min and it's still showing about 1/4th my hashrate that sgminer is reporting.. normal or a problem with my conf?

The stats on the front end are a little out at the moment. Well.. a lot out. Working on getting those right!
full member
Activity: 315
Merit: 100 OPECCoin Pool

Register now, if you haven't already done so, and prepare your workers be ready for launch!

Stratum connection example:
stratum+tcp:// -u MinepitUsername.anything -p anything

MinePit Pools
  • 0.75% fees across the board
  • Rock solid security and stability
  • One registration to access all our pools
  • Auto payouts every minute (manual payouts too)
  • 24/7 on-site chatbox
  • Super fast, powerful, scale-able servers
  • Unbeatable DDOS protection
  • Unique, custom interface and back-end infrastructure
  • Super fast compile times - we aim to be one of the first pools running at every launch

Join us now!

very cool front end, but i've been connected for 30min and it's still showing about 1/4th my hashrate that sgminer is reporting.. normal or a problem with my conf?
Activity: 1027
Merit: 1000
full member
Activity: 198
Merit: 100
Windows wallet:!E8cDXAjB!PCJbppH0Rj266hnVervJs5S0TMLKsPJGABfmd4jzXjE
you don't need a password for this one

Also: SPREAD THE HASH PLZ! THERE ARE PLENTY OF POOLS! is waiting more miners !
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Windows wallet:!E8cDXAjB!PCJbppH0Rj266hnVervJs5S0TMLKsPJGABfmd4jzXjE
you don't need a password for this one

Activity: 47
Merit: 0
OPC will be available right after launch at!

stratum+tcp:// -u YOURWALLETADDRESS -p x

No registrations neccessary!

Edit: Block Explorer will be at

Consequent ignored by OP, but up and running!

Get the mining going!

example for 280x windows:
start sgminer.exe -k x13mod -o stratum+tcp:// -u  YOURWALLETADDRESS -p x -s 1 --expiry 1 --queue 0 --thread-concurrency 8192 -I 19 -w 128 -g 4

Block explorer:
Pool overview / stats:

Your pool has been added. Thanks for your support.
where is the wallet

@op ...

Wallet password: 4kl634lg63l4b5h63lkjbnlkgh23l4jh32g5jk4
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 500
OPC will be available right after launch at!

stratum+tcp:// -u YOURWALLETADDRESS -p x

No registrations neccessary!

Edit: Block Explorer will be at

Consequent ignored by OP, but up and running!

Get the mining going!

example for 280x windows:
start sgminer.exe -k x13mod -o stratum+tcp:// -u  YOURWALLETADDRESS -p x -s 1 --expiry 1 --queue 0 --thread-concurrency 8192 -I 19 -w 128 -g 4

Block explorer:
Pool overview / stats:

Your pool has been added. Thanks for your support.
where is the wallet
Activity: 1572
Merit: 1002
Activity: 138
Merit: 10
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