
Topic: [C#] Trying to implement EC Multiplication in pure code - page 2. (Read 427 times)

Activity: 1512
Merit: 7340
Farewell, Leo
maybe you should use a library.

For that particular function? For modinv only?
full member
Activity: 206
Merit: 450
When in ruby there are multiple assignments in one line, they are done in parallel, yes? Then your modinv is very wrong. If you need a forum post to find such mistake... maybe you should use a library.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 7340
Farewell, Leo
You are missing an important point - the one at infinity (0,0).
But I just “converted” the Ruby code to C#. If it's missing from me, then it should be missing from Ruby code too, but it doesn't. It works fine.
full member
Activity: 206
Merit: 450
You are missing an important point - the one at infinity (0,0).

So three important cases are missing:
- doubling (0,0)
- adding to (0,0)
- adding (x,y) and (x,-y), which produces (0,0)

Activity: 1512
Merit: 7340
Farewell, Leo
I want to perform EC multiplication, but with pure code. No libraries or anything outside my C# class. I've found a ruby script (from learnmeabitcoin) that performs this procedure in pure ruby, but I am not sure that I understand these terms. I do have understood theoretically how ECC works, but in its maths, it seems impossible to make any sense. In other words, I may be able to “convert” the ruby code to C# line-by-line, but I won't have acknowledged the importance of each line. (which is what takes the cake, but anyway)

That being said, it'd really satisfy me if there's an already written code (just like in learnmeabitcoin) in C#. I've searched for it, but I only found complicated scripts that require libraries. I only want the “private key to public key” part. Not anything extra.

If there isn't one, please be my guide and tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Alright, so to implement EC multiplication, I'll have to also write the modular inverse, EC addition and EC doubling.

I turned this:
# Modular Inverse - Ruby doesn't have a built-in function for finding modular inverses, so here's one using the extended Euclidean algorithm.
def modinv(a, m = $p)
  a = a % m if a < 0 # make sure a is positive
  prevy, y = 0, 1
  while a > 1
    q = m / a
    y, prevy = prevy - q * y, y
    a, m = m % a, a
  return y

Into this:
 public BigInteger modinv(BigInteger a, BigInteger m)
            BigInteger prevy = 0;
            BigInteger y = 1;
            BigInteger q;
            if(a > 0)
                a = a % m;
            while(a > 1)
                q = m / a;
                y = prevy - q * y;
                prevy = y;
                a = m % a;
                m = a;
            return y;

# Double - Add a point on the curve to itself.
def double(point)
  # slope = (3x^2 + a) / 2y
  slope = ((3 * point[:x] ** 2) * modinv((2 * point[:y]))) % $p # using modular inverse to perform "division"

  # new x = slope^2 - 2x
  x = (slope ** 2 - (2 * point[:x])) % $p

  # new y = slope * (x - new x) * y
  y = (slope * (point[:x] - x) - point[:y]) % $p

  # return x, y coordinates of point
  return { x: x, y: y }

Into this:
public BigInteger[] ECdouble(BigInteger[] point){
            BigInteger slope = (3 * point[0] ^ 2) * modinv((2 * point[1]), p);
            BigInteger x = (slope ^ 2 - (2 * point[0])) % p;
            BigInteger y = (slope * (point[0] - x) - point[1]) % p;
            BigInteger[] coord = { x, y };
            return coord;

# Add - Add two points together.
def add(point1, point2)
  # double if both points are the same
  return double(point1) if point1 == point2

  # slope = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2)
  slope = ((point1[:y] - point2[:y]) * modinv(point1[:x] - point2[:x])) % $p

  # new x = slope^2 - x1 - x2
  x = (slope ** 2 - point1[:x] - point2[:x]) % $p

  # new y = slope * (x1 - new x) - y1
  y = ((slope * (point1[:x] - x)) - point1[:y]) % $p

  # return x, y coordinates of point
  return { x: x, y: y }

Into this:

public BigInteger[] ECaddition(BigInteger[] point1, BigInteger[] point2)
            if(point1 == point2)
                return ECdouble(point1);

            BigInteger slope = ((point1[1] - point2[1]) * modinv(point1[0] - point2[0], p)) % p;
            BigInteger x = (slope ^ 2 - point1[0] - point2[0]) % p;
            BigInteger y = ((slope * (point1[0] - x)) - point1[1]) % p;
            BigInteger[] coord = { x, y };
            return coord;

And finally, this:
# Multiply - Use the double and add operations to quickly multiply a point by an integer (e.g. a private key).
def multiply(k, point = $g) # multiply the generator point by default
  # create a copy the initial starting point (for use in addition later on)
  current = point

  # convert integer to binary representation (for use in the double and add algorithm)
  binary = k.to_s(2)

  # double and add algorithm for fast multiplication
  binary.split("").drop(1).each do |char| # ignore first binary character
    # 0 = double
    current = double(current)

    # 1 = double and add
    if char == "1"
      current = add(current, point)

  # return the final point
  return current

Into this:
 public BigInteger[] ECMultiplication(BigInteger k, BigInteger[] Gpoint)
            BigInteger[] current = g;
            string binary = String.Join(String.Empty,
                c => Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16), 2).PadLeft(4, '0')

            // ignoring the first binary character
            binary = binary.Substring(1);
            current = ECdouble(current);
            if (binary[0] == '1') {
                current = ECaddition(current, Gpoint);
            return current;

I run this:
BigInteger k = BigInteger.Parse(privatekey, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
BigInteger[] point = ECMultiplication(k, g);
string x = point[0].ToString("X");
string y = point[1].ToString("X");
string public_key_uncompressed = "04" + x + y;

with this private key:

and I get as a result this uncompressed public key:

I know that something goes wrong in that process since I get a different result from

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