
Topic: California begins injecting children with mercury... (Read 1359 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Medical child abuse now socially accepted across America...

Using love, patience and kindness to treat troubled young schoolchildren is apparently a thing of the past in America, as teachers now routinely throw students, many of them special needs, into windowless "seclusion" rooms lined with cold, hard concrete floors.

A quick Google image search for seclusion rooms, also called "recovery rooms" or "scream rooms," results in a variety of images, many of which resemble eerie prison cells enclosed with thick steel doors.

Efforts by NPR and ProPublica to investigate this outrageous practice uncovered 267,000 instances nationwide throughout the 2011-2012 school year during which students were locked and restrained in seclusion rooms, with more than 75 percent of those cases involving children with disabilities, according to information provided by the U.S. Department of Education's Civil Rights Data.

In more than 160,000 instances, students were restrained. About 7,6000 of those cases used mechanical restraints. In most scenarios, this type of controversial disciplinary action was used on children who are "autistic or labeled emotionally disturbed," possibly as a result of the damaging effects of neurotoxic ingredients in vaccines.

The 2011-2012 school year was the first time reporting seclusion and restraint was mandatory for schools, reports Texas Monthly. However, in many cases, schools were not required to notify parents when their children were placed in scream rooms unless the staff had to physically restrain them.


Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

To be honest drinking bleach doesn't seems to be much better idea than faithfully lining up for flu shots every year Smiley.

Depends on what works, and what works adversely. The taverns of the world are full of poison. Lots of people think it works.

A total of 191 [195] children have been recovered (ATEC score of 10 or below), using the CD Autism parasite protocol published in Kerri Rivera´s new book Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism. CD stands for Chlorine Dioxide, which is an inexpensive, broad spectrum, gentle, anti-pathogenic.

Red Cross MMS Malaria cure cover-up scandal:
Learn more or -|- Sign petition -|-

Proof Red Cross cured 154 Malaria cases with MMS: This video got leaked 1st of July 2013 and makes it impossible for the Red Cross to keep claiming that their Sodium chlorite (MMS) study never took place, as was their response to the 2nd of may video.

Red Cross cures 154 Malaria cases in Uganda with MMS:
This video was released 2nd of May 2013.

Jim Humble and Tiger

This breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one. In 1996, while on a gold mining expedition in South America, I discovered that chlorine dioxide quickly cured malaria. Since that time, it has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on. This is by far not a comprehensive list. I know it sounds too good to be true, but according to feedback I have received over the last 18 years, I think it’s safe to say MMS is able to overcome most diseases known to mankind.


Jim Humble writes about cancer. From

Over the past 100 years there have been more than a100 successful cures for cancer. Royal Rife and William F. Koch were the first two of the men who created such cures. Rife died in prison and Koch spent several million dollars staying out of jail. He died broke and broken after being found not guilty by three different juries in trials that were carried on for over three years by the FDA. The second and third trials were illegal because the same accusation was used. Both men had records of well over a 100 thousand successfully treated cases of cancer. The data about these men is available on the internet; google their names.

So let me tell you how MMS cures, because MMS is one of the few cancer cures now available to the public worldwide, free of charge (if they come to one of our ministers to be healed). Basically, MMS is a highly diluted solution of chlorine dioxide and water. Solutions 1,250 to 10,000 times stronger than MMS are used in industry as industrial bleaches.

a.. There are no bleaches used in homes anywhere in the world that use chlorine dioxide as part of their formula.

I mention that because every MMS critic in the world sooner or later mentions in their writing that MMS (chlorine dioxide) is a powerful household bleach. This proves that they have done no research concerning MMS. A simple fact that anyone should know is that chlorine dioxide is not a bleach used in the home. Chlorine dioxide is approved by the FDA for food contact use, and home bleaches cannot be used for that purpose. See Food Contact Substance Notification FCN001011 and/ or Food Contact Substance (FCS) CAS Reg.No. 10049-04-4.

Sorry to take so much time telling you about MMS but since there are many people around the world trying hard to keep you from using it, I am sure you would like some real data regarding how and why MMS kills cancer.

a.. The papers mentioned in the above paragraphs are an approval notice from the FDA for the use on food of a product containing nothing but chlorine dioxide and water.

There are at least a 100 other papers on the internet illustrating FDA approval of the use of chlorine dioxide on food. Check the web site in the Ingredients and Packaging section under Food topic, and other FDA chlorine dioxide regulations. Now don’t you think that is really funny that the FDA would say that MMS is a poisonous industrial bleach if it has already approved its use on foods?

Let me tell you a very strange, peculiar, terrible thing. Each year more and more people die of cancer while under the care of a medical doctor.

a.. Last year, 2011, more than 7 million cancer patients worldwide died while under the care of a medical doctor, yet if one single cancer patient dies under the care of an alternative doctor using herbal medicine, the public is up in arms and the alternative doctor is usually prosecuted.

b.. Isn’t it getting obvious that medical doctors are the wrong place to seek help for cancer? They had 7 million failures last year. Check it out. It isn’t something they can hide.

c.. Every university, every college, every government approves of this travesty, and humanity does not seem to notice. That is what is strange.

d.. And guess what, these universities and governments all receive money directly or indirectly from cancer patients who have suffered and died.

MMS destroys cancers of all kinds. The reason is that chlorine dioxide with the formula of ClO2 is an oxidizer with very unique characteristics. One important point is that the chlorine dioxide in MMS is a 1000 times more diluted than the weakest bleach. It runs through the body never touching the body but killing the pathogens. It is simply too diluted to harm the body in any way.

On top of being an extremely diluted solution its oxidation potential is the lowest of all the oxidizers that can be used in the body. Oxidation potential is the electrical potential that determines what an oxidizer will oxidize. Chlorine dioxide has a much lower oxidation potential than oxygen or any other oxidizer. For your information the oxidation potential (determines how active an oxidant is) of all the known oxidants ever used in the body are as follows: ozone 2.07 volts, hydrogen peroxide 1.80 volts, oxygen 1.28 volts, and CHLORINE DIOXIDE 0.95 volts. As you can see, chlorine dioxide is by far the weakest oxidizer known that can be used in the body.

About cancer: A cancer cell is a body cell that has been changed to react differently than normal body cells. There are two basic theories of cancer.

Theory # 1 is the main theory of the world. It is accepted by present medical authorities, and championed by the FDA. This theory suggests that there is no cause for cancer, it just happens and that there is no way to prevent it.

Theory # 2 is the theory given with evidence by the two men, Rife and Koch, who first cured cancer. They said that a small microorganism enters a body cell and takes over changing that cell into a cancerous cell. This microorganism is called a pleomorphic organism because it can morph into various different shapes to handle its environment as needed. All research projects concerning theory # 2 have been stopped. All doctors and scientists agreeing with theory #2 have been ruined in one way or another. The obvious reason is that cancer can be killed using theory # 2, but there is no way to kill cancer using theory #1.

a.. MMS kills the pleomorphic organism in the cancerous cell. The cell then reverts back to a normal body cell or it dies and is carried off by the blood in a normal body action.

b.. The pleomorphic organism is destroyed using oxidation, as MMS has no other chemical reaction.

You probably know that electrons hold all compound materials together, which of course would include pleomorphic microorganisms. Electrons hold the materials of the universe together. Oxidation is the process whereby electrons are removed from the material being oxidized and thus the material comes apart and is destroyed.

Once the electrons have been removed from the compound materials in the side of a pathogen, the compound materials fly apart creating a hole in the side, which kills the pathogen.

Each molecule of MMS can accept 5 electrons, that’s at least twice as many electrons as the other oxidizers, but the strength is much weaker. The next important part to know is that the electrons that the chlorine dioxide steals, come over and destroy the chlorine dioxide molecule as well. That makes it a clean kill as nothing is left but atoms and table salt.

MMS2 the Second important Cancer Killer When calcium hypochlorite is dissolved into water it turns into hypochlorous acid.

a.. This acid is the acid that the human body has been using to kill pathogens for hundreds of thousands of years. The formula is HOCl.

It is also an oxidizer with the amazing ability to penetrate almost anywhere in the human body and that is probably why it was chosen by nature for this job. We simply give the body extra ammunition of HOCl and it has proven very successful.

a.. The actual killing action is almost the same as MMS1, oxidation. This process of stealing electrons kills pathogens and causes self-destruction.

Since this data has been known for almost a 100 years there can be only one explanation for why the medical people have not used it to help kill diseases. It really works, and they use nothing that works

The Killing of Cancer: I should mention several things:

1. There have been quite a few hundred testimonials of MMS cancer cures on the internet; the critics say that they are all lies. Yet, they have never given a logical reason why hundreds of people would be telling such lies.

2. History has shown that soon after anyone presents a proven method of curing cancer they either meet a violent demise or go to prison. Of course, the method never becomes available or known. Thus I have made no effort to prove what we are discovering about MMS. Thousands have overcome the suffering and the cancer, but that doesn’t prove it. The FDA says antidotal evidence is of no value. Government and Medical science require clinical trials as proof and this costs $800 million dollars. If we had $800 million for the trials, they would take our money and still stop MMS from being approved because cancer, as it is, is a trillion dollar industry that they have no intention of stopping. So, it is very unlikely that there will be any proof in the next few years. Sorry, I guess, for the present that you must, “Trust me, or die.”

If you get a lethal cancer and you begin the MMS cancer protocols, you will have, in my opinion about a 90 percent chance of a cure. If, however, you have had radiation, chemo, or surgery treatments, your chances of a cure using MMS protocols drop to about a 50 percent chance of living through the experience. The more radiation, chemo, and surgery treatments you have had, the worse your chances are for recovery. If you continue medically, according to AMA reports of several years ago, your chances drop to less than 3 percent for survival. There has been no improvement or change in the medical treatment for cancer for a 100 years.

I make no money from the sales of MMS directly, or indirectly. My goal and the goal of this church is a world without disease. Money that comes to us from book sales, is used for expenses here and/or setting up clinics around the world.

Procedure for Killing Cancer: Use Protocol 2000 given on my site, This protocol begins the procedure with small doses each hour and builds up to stronger and stronger doses with the maximum being 6 or 7 drops per hour (but can be more than that). I like to start people off with 1 drop of activated MMS an hour. Then as they can handle more we increase the number of drops per hour until they are taking as much as possible without feeling nausea or developing diarrhea. If they get diarrhea or nausea, back off, use less drops but do not stop unless their bad feelings are extreme. In that case, stop for a few hours or even a day, but then continue with a much reduced dose.

Several days after starting protocol 2000 the person begins taking small doses of MMS2, that is, using calcium hypochlorite in capsules. The capsules are taken every two hours during the day for at least 10 hours. Of course, increase the doses by using more hypochlorite in the capsule, but never more than a size zero capsule that is ½ full.

If this procedure isn’t working or working fast enough add Protocol 3000 to the 2000 Protocol. There are also a number of minor protocols that should be considered for possible inclusion in the treatment at this point.

What can you expect from this over all procedure? Normally the pain is reduced in hours and all pain is usually gone in less than a week. The cancer usually heals in a few weeks but may take months. Just keep at it until well.

As always with love,

Bishop Jim Humble

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Chicken pox is much worse than you think about that. Once you've got infected, it never goes away. The virus remains alive in your body for your lifetime, and later it frequently awaikens in the old age, causing severe neurological deseases. It also may awaken as the result of cancer treatment, AIDS and other situations like that.

That's why you need Jim Humble's MMS. All this stuff is, is chlorine dioxide water disinfectant. Even the FDA has admitted that people who take it in small amounts like Humble recommends aren't in danger from it. Yet it kills off all kinds of pathogens, as well as neutralizing some heavy metals and toxins.

Even duPont makes the stuff. With Humble's method, you make it fresh, and more effective, right at home.


To be honest drinking bleach doesn't seems to be much better idea than faithfully lining up for flu shots every year Smiley.

Depends on what works, and what works adversely. The taverns of the world are full of poison. Lots of people think it works.

A total of 191 [195] children have been recovered (ATEC score of 10 or below), using the CD Autism parasite protocol published in Kerri Rivera´s new book Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism. CD stands for Chlorine Dioxide, which is an inexpensive, broad spectrum, gentle, anti-pathogenic.

Red Cross MMS Malaria cure cover-up scandal:
Learn more or -|- Sign petition -|-

Proof Red Cross cured 154 Malaria cases with MMS: This video got leaked 1st of July 2013 and makes it impossible for the Red Cross to keep claiming that their Sodium chlorite (MMS) study never took place, as was their response to the 2nd of may video.

Red Cross cures 154 Malaria cases in Uganda with MMS:
This video was released 2nd of May 2013.

Jim Humble and Tiger

This breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one. In 1996, while on a gold mining expedition in South America, I discovered that chlorine dioxide quickly cured malaria. Since that time, it has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on. This is by far not a comprehensive list. I know it sounds too good to be true, but according to feedback I have received over the last 18 years, I think it’s safe to say MMS is able to overcome most diseases known to mankind.

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
Chicken pox is much worse than you think about that. Once you've got infected, it never goes away. The virus remains alive in your body for your lifetime, and later it frequently awaikens in the old age, causing severe neurological deseases. It also may awaken as the result of cancer treatment, AIDS and other situations like that.

That's why you need Jim Humble's MMS. All this stuff is, is chlorine dioxide water disinfectant. Even the FDA has admitted that people who take it in small amounts like Humble recommends aren't in danger from it. Yet it kills off all kinds of pathogens, as well as neutralizing some heavy metals and toxins.

Even duPont makes the stuff. With Humble's method, you make it fresh, and more effective, right at home.


To be honest drinking bleach doesn't seems to be much better idea than faithfully lining up for flu shots every year Smiley.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Why you'd have to be a complete idiot to take a flu shot

The scientific truth about flu shots and the human immune response is that flu shots only work for people who don't need them.

People who are immuno-compromised -- who might actually benefit from viral exposure rehearsal -- have no ability to build antibodies in response to the vaccine. Thus, the flu shot is wasted on them.

On the other hand, people who show a strong immune response to a flu shot are the very same people with healthy, active immune systems that can easily handle influenza exposure without a vaccine!

Flu shots, in other words, only "work" on people who don't need them. But they FAIL on those they claim to protect.


Hear the truth about flu shot fraud at the Health Ranger Report podcast -

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Something weird is going on here.  It really seems that there is a strong desire to get at least a little bit of mercury into people, and do so at the earliest age possible.  Even pre-natal if possible.
In fact, you're getting more mercury from the drinking water and fossil fuels. But nobody of BADeckers is going to explain that. They want you to become another mindless follower, nothing more.

The real background for using mercury compounds is quite simple and very reasonable. It's cheap and safe, prevents reactivation of anatoxine for a longer time. Mercury and formaline-free vaccines are more dangerous in terms of possible possible reactivation of anatoxine. Mercury-free conservants are also posing greater danger of allergic reactions and other side effects, because these compounds are less effective and, as the result, used in greater concentrations.

Please stay away from emotions and conspiracy theorists here, Occam's razor is your friend.

If you had read the info at my above links, you would see that the amount of mercury in many vaccines is as much as 25,000 times what the EPA allows in drinking water.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Chicken pox is much worse than you think about that. Once you've got infected, it never goes away. The virus remains alive in your body for your lifetime, and later it frequently awaikens in the old age, causing severe neurological deseases. It also may awaken as the result of cancer treatment, AIDS and other situations like that.

That's why you need Jim Humble's MMS. All this stuff is, is chlorine dioxide water disinfectant. Even the FDA has admitted that people who take it in small amounts like Humble recommends aren't in danger from it. Yet it kills off all kinds of pathogens, as well as neutralizing some heavy metals and toxins.

Even duPont makes the stuff. With Humble's method, you make it fresh, and more effective, right at home.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Chicken pox is much worse than you think about that. Once you've got infected, it never goes away. The virus remains alive in your body for your lifetime. And later it frequently awaikens in the old age, causing severe neurological deseases. It also may awaken as the result of cancer treatment, AIDS and other situations like that.

'Severe neurological diseases' such as shingles.  As I said above, there is an interesting ecological balance that human populations and this herpes-like virus have formed over the eons.  Vaccine schedules have fucked up this balance and the sad thing is that some people even predicted it.

Chicken-pox is indeed not always harmless.  And people would from time to time get shingles back in the day.  These are just part of life on earth.  Force-marching people to take vaccines even if they were 100% safe is bad enough to outweigh the risks from chickenpox/shingles.  As it is it seems highly probable that vaccines are a key part of the massive increase in severe health outcomes being seen in our populations today.  Not the sole, exercise, etc is also a likely factor...but the CDC would not be hiding throwing away data if vaccines were 100% non-related.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Something weird is going on here.  It really seems that there is a strong desire to get at least a little bit of mercury into people, and do so at the earliest age possible.  Even pre-natal if possible.
In fact, you're getting more mercury from the drinking water and fossil fuels. But nobody of BADeckers is going to explain that. They want you to become another mindless follower, nothing more.

Reason for using mercury compounds is quite simple and very reasonable. It's cheap and safe, prevents reactivation of anatoxine for a longer time. Mercury and formaline-free vaccines are more dangerous in terms of possible possible reactivation of anatoxine. Mercury-free co servants are also posing greater danger of allergic reactions and other side effects, because these compounds are less effective and, as the result, used in greater concentrations.

I, you, and pretty much all creatures have evolved to discriminate harmful substances to a reasonable degree by having protections in our respiratory systems, digestive systems, and skin.

We have not evolved protection against substances which are mainlined directly into our blood streams.  Some of these substances are deliberately designed to subvert internal systems such as the blood brain barrier.  Probably that is the goal of the detergents used in vaccines, and probably the mechanism by which this is done is by damaging the lipid layers in various membrane structures.  I don't know this with certainty since it is only a casual interest of mine but I understand certain of the basics enough to know that this makes some sense.

It is interesting that you point out the rather scary sounding risks for certain forms of vaccines.  Normally the pro-vaccine crowd sticks with 'safe and effective' as some sort of Gregorian chant.  My understanding about the thimerosal is that it, being amazingly toxic, is handy in the manufacturing process and brings costs down which accounts for the 'trace' amounts in 'mercury-free' vaccines which are more common today.

For my part, when vaccines like rotovirus are released as 'safe and effective' then found later to contain pig viruses that nobody noticed, it makes me a bit uncompfortable.  Shades of the SV40 cancer virus from the polio days which is found in something like half of the cancers today...and as we know, a lot of our older generations managed to get cancer.  4/4 of my grandparents did.

I don't see why we cannot have modest schedules which seemed to do fine for my generation.  If some sufficiently dangerious disease (e.g., polio) makes a comeback, maybe make an adjustment to the schedules for long enough to put it at bay.  As it is, the general health of the population seems to be taking a nose-dive with learning disabilities, autism, auto-immune disorders, etc rising to epedemic proportions.  The fact that the authorities don't seem to have any answer or real interest in finding one is mighty suspicious to me.  For my part, I'm taking a 'precautionary principle' approach to further injections and indeed, medical care in general.  I don't 'know' that TPTB are trying to kill us and strip us of our life savings in the process, but it's a strong enough explanation that I'm not taking any chances.

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Chicken pox is much worse than you think about that. Once you've got infected, it never goes away. The virus remains alive in your body for your lifetime, and later it frequently awaikens in the old age, causing severe neurological deseases. It also may awaken as the result of cancer treatment, AIDS and other situations like that.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Vaccines do not weaken your immune system. Essentially the entire purpose is to create a crippled strain of a virus, so your body can defeat it, learn the "signature" of the disease, and know how to combat it if you ever come across it again in your life. Is that simple enough for you to understand?

I know it's only anecdotal, but here's one basic example. I received the chicken pox vaccine as a child. Afterwards my mom sent me down the street to play with my twin friends who were both sick with the chickenpox virus. I spent plenty of time there that day and the next. Still have never contracted the virus or shown any symptoms. Statistics and science say I probably never will during my lifetime.

If you believe this is all hocus pocus, magic, and propaganda, then there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain and your understanding of human knowledge regarding staying the hell alive. That is essentially the basis of all our primitive instincts you know, to not let shit kill us.

I got chicken-pox as a kid as did most people in my age cohort.  No big deal and it hardly ever is, and I have immunity for life.  Same with mumps.

When contemplating adding chicken-pox to standard schedules, it was actually predicted that there would be a lot more problem with shingles in the elderly.  Reason being, a level of the virus in the community acts as a natural booster to oldsters.  Shingles is vastly worse then chicken-pox as a kid.

What happened?  Exactly what the more competent and less compromised scientists predicted.  Solution:  Expensive shingles vaccines for the elderly which actually don't work for shit.  And a nice little boost to the already giant profits for big pharma.

I can barely stand people who think they know it all because they absorbed info from some dopey pharma industry sponsored cartoon and who think they understand 'science' because they can parrot what some 'scientist' said.

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359

Something weird is going on here.  It really seems that there is a strong desire to get at least a little bit of mercury into people, and do so at the earliest age possible.  Even pre-natal if possible.
In fact, you're getting more mercury from the drinking water and fossil fuels. But nobody of BADeckers is going to explain that. They want you to become another mindless follower, nothing more.

The real background for using mercury compounds is quite simple and very reasonable. It's cheap and safe, prevents reactivation of anatoxine for a longer time. Mercury and formaline-free vaccines are more dangerous in terms of possible possible reactivation of anatoxine. Mercury-free conservants are also posing greater danger of allergic reactions and other side effects, because these compounds are less effective and, as the result, used in greater concentrations.

Please stay away from emotions and conspiracy theorists here, Occam's razor is your friend.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Something weird is going on here.  It really seems that there is a strong desire to get at least a little bit of mercury into people, and do so at the earliest age possible.  Even pre-natal if possible.

I don't believe that it is for the purpose of damaging people, per-se, but it probably is a side effect that does have a measurable negative impact on a noticeable fraction of the population.  The thing that makes the most sense to me is that mercury lodged in brain tissue enhances the effectiveness of some other system, and the most likely of these would associated with electro-magnetic energy devices of some sort.

It is not really a crazy conspiracy theory that efforts to develop methods of interacting with the human brain by use of electro-magnetic means and it's been going on for a long time.  Of course it is more of a stretch to correlate this with vaccine regimes, but the amazingly aggressive and sudden push to forcibly vaccinate people are out of sync with the problems they are supposed to be addressing.  Populations with much reduces quantities and schedules simply do not have public health crisis so there is not much reason to think that we need them least for the stated purpose.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

Actually, it is stupidity like the above that causes more death than ever.

Probably there is some slight place for vaccination. But it isn't the norm. Otherwise God would have built it into nature.

Rather, it is vaccination that helps to cause a ruined immune system in a person, so that his body has to be strengthened to fight off diseases it once could easily.

If doctors had even some kind of hint about what they were doing, there wouldn't be any hospitals. Everyone would be well. In addition, people would live for hundreds of years instead of less that a hundred, usually.

Wanna die young? Trust the doctors and the medical, the self proclaimed supermen who are draining the health and wealth out of the world by their snake oil vaccines.


Vaccines do not weaken your immune system. Essentially the entire purpose is to create a crippled strain of a virus, so your body can defeat it, learn the "signature" of the disease, and know how to combat it if you ever come across it again in your life. Is that simple enough for you to understand?

I know it's only anecdotal, but here's one basic example. I received the chicken pox vaccine as a child. Afterwards my mom sent me down the street to play with my twin friends who were both sick with the chickenpox virus. I spent plenty of time there that day and the next. Still have never contracted the virus or shown any symptoms. Statistics and science say I probably never will during my lifetime.

If you believe this is all hocus pocus, magic, and propaganda, then there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain and your understanding of human knowledge regarding staying the hell alive. That is essentially the basis of all our primitive instincts you know, to not let shit kill us.

Did they put mercury in your vaccine to preserve it?

The whole point is, there are a lot of substances in vaccines nowadays, that never used to be there. These are what is weakening the immune system, like chemotherapy does.

The question is, who do you believe? When doctors come out and speak about vaccines with all kinds of junk in them, are these the quacks? Or are they the saviors?

As I said, there is probably some small place for vaccines. The world was different years ago. Your personal experiences are not the same for everyone; you might have been among the lucky ones who received clean vaccinations.

If there were only 1 or 2 people who were claiming foul play with vaccine cleanliness, purity and sterility, who would believe them? There are multiple people, even the government, who are showing that the vaccination thing is not the good thing that it once was. Read this

Activity: 1470
Merit: 1021

Actually, it is stupidity like the above that causes more death than ever.

Probably there is some slight place for vaccination. But it isn't the norm. Otherwise God would have built it into nature.

Rather, it is vaccination that helps to cause a ruined immune system in a person, so that his body has to be strengthened to fight off diseases it once could easily.

If doctors had even some kind of hint about what they were doing, there wouldn't be any hospitals. Everyone would be well. In addition, people would live for hundreds of years instead of less that a hundred, usually.

Wanna die young? Trust the doctors and the medical, the self proclaimed supermen who are draining the health and wealth out of the world by their snake oil vaccines.


Vaccines do not weaken your immune system. Essentially the entire purpose is to create a crippled strain of a virus, so your body can defeat it, learn the "signature" of the disease, and know how to combat it if you ever come across it again in your life. Is that simple enough for you to understand?

I know it's only anecdotal, but here's one basic example. I received the chicken pox vaccine as a child. Afterwards my mom sent me down the street to play with my twin friends who were both sick with the chickenpox virus. I spent plenty of time there that day and the next. Still have never contracted the virus or shown any symptoms. Statistics and science say I probably never will during my lifetime.

If you believe this is all hocus pocus, magic, and propaganda, then there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain and your understanding of human knowledge regarding staying the hell alive. That is essentially the basis of all our primitive instincts you know, to not let shit kill us.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
anti-vaccination bullshit just needs to die. I don't care what statistic you pull from the internet, legitimate or not, about how vaccines have killed x amount of people or injured them. Or that they cause autism... how many times does this need to be disproved?? And if your sources are or some other nonsense don't even bother citing them.

If you want to bring back deadly diseases that science has all but eradicated, diseases that have provably killed MILLIONS of people, keep doing what you're doing, you dumb fucks.

I would prefer to let these Darwin prize winners die from diphtheria, plague or some evil form of flu... Unfortunately, there are some people who have no choice due to medical contraindications. Normally, these people have no alternative to protection through the collective immunity.

Anti-vaccination faggots are destroying the collective immunity without leaving any suitable alternative, putting these people under danger. It's just another form of genocide, BADecker and other antivaccination bullshitters are no better than uncle Adolf. They sow the seeds of death here... And every dead child, who wasn't vaccinated due to medical contraindications, is on their conscience.

I'm afraid they might be too ignorant to have the weight on their conscience. They believe the people who are supporting the science of vaccination should have the weight of all people with autism on their conscience.

Pertussis, Tetanus, Rotavirus, Diptheria? No problem. Your child's natural immunity will fight it. Hand that little bastard an apple juice, pat them on the back, and send them to school. How ridiculous is that?

I think 99% of anti vaxxers don't even understand the science behind vaccination in the least bit.

Actually, it is stupidity like the above that causes more death than ever.

Probably there is some slight place for vaccination. But it isn't the norm. Otherwise God would have built it into nature.

Rather, it is vaccination that helps to cause a ruined immune system in a person, so that his body has to be strengthened to fight off diseases it once could easily.

If doctors had even some kind of hint about what they were doing, there wouldn't be any hospitals. Everyone would be well. In addition, people would live for hundreds of years instead of less that a hundred, usually.

Wanna die young? Trust the doctors and the medical, the self proclaimed supermen who are draining the health and wealth out of the world by their snake oil vaccines.

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Oh no, they're smarter than you think. I've read many anti-vax articles, which were published in my country, and came to conclusion that faggots are fully aware about their actions. Many of these articles were written by professional liars, it's a religious proselytism in its purest form. Just like catholic church in the middle ages, these pederasts will do almost anything for the spread of their kind.

However, unlike their blind followers, the most of them aren't willing to become a martyr. They're vaccinating without any problem, especially in case of emergency (e.g. to prevent the development of rabies after being bitten by animal).
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1021
anti-vaccination bullshit just needs to die. I don't care what statistic you pull from the internet, legitimate or not, about how vaccines have killed x amount of people or injured them. Or that they cause autism... how many times does this need to be disproved?? And if your sources are or some other nonsense don't even bother citing them.

If you want to bring back deadly diseases that science has all but eradicated, diseases that have provably killed MILLIONS of people, keep doing what you're doing, you dumb fucks.
I would prefer to let these Darwin prize winners to die from diphtheria or plague... Unfortunately, there are some people who have no choice due to medical contraindications. Normally, these people have no alternative to protection through the collective immunity.

Anti-vaccination faggots are destroyng the collective immunity, putting these people under danger. It's just another form of genocide, BADecker and other antivaccination bullshitters are no better than uncle Adolf. They sow the seeds of death here... And every dead child, who wasn't vaccinated due to medical contraindications, is on their conscience.

I'm afraid they might be too ignorant to have the weight on their conscience. They believe the people who are supporting the science of vaccination should have the weight of all people with autism on their conscience.

Pertussis, Tetanus, Rotavirus, Diptheria? No problem. Your child's natural immunity will fight it. Hand that little bastard an apple juice, pat them on the back, and send them to school. How ridiculous is that?

I think 99% of anti vaxxers don't even understand the science behind vaccination in the least bit.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
anti-vaccination bullshit just needs to die. I don't care what statistic you pull from the internet, legitimate or not, about how vaccines have killed x amount of people or injured them. Or that they cause autism... how many times does this need to be disproved?? And if your sources are or some other nonsense don't even bother citing them.

If you want to bring back deadly diseases that science has all but eradicated, diseases that have provably killed MILLIONS of people, keep doing what you're doing, you dumb fucks.
I would prefer to let these Darwin prize winners die from diphtheria, plague or some evil form of flu... Unfortunately, there are some people who have no choice due to medical contraindications. Normally, these people have no alternative to protection through the collective immunity.

Anti-vaccination faggots are destroying the collective immunity without leaving any suitable alternative, putting these people under danger. It's just another form of genocide, BADecker and other antivaccination bullshitters are no better than uncle Adolf. They sow the seeds of death here... And every dead child, who wasn't vaccinated due to medical contraindications, is on their conscience.

Activity: 1470
Merit: 1021
anti-vaccination bullshit just needs to die. I don't care what statistic you pull from the internet, legitimate or not, about how vaccines have killed x amount of people or injured them. Or that they cause autism... how many times does this need to be disproved?? And if your sources are or some other nonsense don't even bother citing them.

If you want to bring back deadly diseases that science has all but eradicated, diseases that have provably killed MILLIONS of people, keep doing what you're doing, you dumb fucks.
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