Hero (6 users): 0.02 ETH per week + 1000 CRS (ICO price is 2000 CRS for 1ETH)
Legendary (4 users): 0.0275 ETH per week + 1250 CRS
1.Campaign stats march 4, 06:00 forum time and ends march 11, 06:00 forum time.
2.Posts must all be in English.
3.No posts in off-topic or local language boards.
4. No negative trust users, before or during campaign.
5. Funds released by escrow on march 12-13 after final review of posts.
6. Minimum of 35 posts during the campaign period.
7. Must wear signature and avatar at all times during campaign period.
8. Posts must contain 75 characters or more.
9. 1 account per person.
10.Posts should contribute to a thread, and not resemble spam in anyway.
11.If the signature or avatar needs to be changed at any point during campaign you will be made aware and should do so asap.
12.No more than 10 posts a day (exceptions can be made if there is a purpose to the quantity of posts)