I think it can. But it won't only change prices but also our way of thinking.
People are saying that inflationary currencies are "saving" our world and make economy good. Tell me this: Do we need everything that our economy is giving us? I think our economy is "forcing" us to "need" things we don't really need. And the biggest problem is that this needs to keep going to keep our economy alive. This actually means that economy itself is giving us needs a.k.a. the strongest influencers are the one who are on the top of "pyramid" are. And if you think about it you can see where this is going. Collapse of the system or the earth. And only with first option human kind will survive.
Quite some people compare times when gold standard applied and then compare economies (that time and today). Is this really legit? Of course economies were totally different, we didn't have internet, transportation, knowledge etc. we have today. So comparing these two things is totally irrelevant in my opinion.
Then this question:
What are the incentives to spend your money if it always goes up in value?
I think incentives for spending are pretty clear in all systems - our needs. If you are hungry you will pay $100 for bite of food. If you are thirsty you will give 2 grams of gold to get a bottle of water. If you want to sleep in a warm dry place in the winter you will give 100 bitcoins for a house.
And then look at all these three examples, which of these will encourage you to spend even though you don't need that at the moment- meaning you will spend valuable resources for nothing. It's dollars. So don't tell me that's good. We are limited with resources, but some people have unlimited of FIAT money (those who are printing it) and this is definitely not good.