Are people completely NUTS? Its already shown in the last 6 months that high market cap coins are too huge and have lost their momentum. Now its ALWAYS the small coins that go x50 like Waltonchain, IOStoken, Metaverse, Vechain, Raiblocks.. Those can still go x50.. Those can still make you rich.... But buying overpriced, expensive ETH.. how stupid are people? They are leading us right into a gigantic crash.
I believe the only people push ETH so hard is those who got it for $10 or $1 and want idiiots to pay $1100 so the price keeps rising for them. Its a scam.
i bought ethereum last year when it was around $11 for $30,000 well guess now how much money i have,but why did i risk my money to ethereum?its simple because i believed in its platform which i am right,calling investors stupid making you a total moron.