If someone which follows the set of rules and be discipline enoff. Can people make 50-100 $ a day just gambling in online casino.....?
That'd be extremely difficult to do.
What you could do, is invest in the casino. However, to get those turnovers, you'd have to invest a fairly substantial amount into the casine (over $100000).
I think this depends on what games are you playing. It has been proven that dice, lottery, and other chance/luck based gambling games are not profitable in the long run and will more likely lose all our bankroll. But there are games that gives you an advantage doing in the long run because of the experience and skills accumulated playing these games. Gambling games that is based on skills and strategies will more likely gives you benefits and profitable in the long term. Added to that is the sports betting because monitoring and learning on the statistics of the team competing and acquiring the knowledge of reading and comparing stats and learning the X variable and the effect on it on a certain team will more likely gives you a hint on who will win.
If you use bot or script you will not win at the end of the day. But if you a profit goal or set a profit goal in the future. It gives you chance to win in gambling. Just so you know how to be play safe in playing gambling. To be able to win in the future but there is not always winner only.
Bots tend to lose you money as they have no specific limits and if you set one, you could potentially lose more than you profit (If you have an amount that you pull out on gambling altogether with - then you are left with a great loss and nothing to remedy it)!
Skills and luck does not work perfectly on gambling yes we are still relying on our luck which is not often happened but what is more important is the timing there are only few times that we can win in a game but we are experiencing a loss more often than winning so i don't see any possibilty that gambling can be profitable in a long run unless it happened to me or to some people i know there will be a proof .
They are just need both skills and luck in gambling in order to win but yeah its not always. the important thing for me is just have fun.. not losing all your money.. in long term it can hurt your pocket and yeah there is no long term that can be profitable..
yes i also agree with you, that if you have some good skill, experience and good luck then you can really make money in gambling and gambling will be profitable in long term, but if you have no experience and skill then it will be difficult for you to make money in gambling.
How can skills help us to make profit on long term? It's a luck game, any time we can have a big loss sequence and it's all over. I think the only skill can help us on gambling games would be clairvoyance, to know the next number raffled.
Some people say that sport betting can be profitable if you have skills... But on most traditional gambling games I think it's not possible.
Skill and experience is what it takes to win. Forget luck, it doesn't work, just an idea!
If you are skilled enough, you will be able to set your limits on gambling and with experience, you can lean which strategies are best for you to use to earn the most amount of profit from it.