I’m just trying to understand options safe storage.
There's three main vectors of losing coins:
the software way - for example infected system, malicious wallet, faulty RNG;
an accident - a housefire, a flood, a family member threw your wallet away while cleaning, etc.;
a target theft - a thief knew what they are looking for a steal your seed, or use force against you to make you give up the wallet, this includes kidnapping for ransom;
Generating your wallet on an offline machine helps against the first type, and you also need a good security knowledge - you need to know how to verify software, avoid malware, etc.
Against accidents you need redundancy - have multiple copies of your seed in different places, use strong materials like stainless steel instead of paper.
Against theft you need strong physical security, keeping low profile to not attract thieves and use encryption instead of storing seed phrases or private keys in plaintext.