Here is the idea, let's take the example of Noona and Mismar (they are my turtles), if i can publish a live video (in youtube for example) of the tortules competing in a course for many times and offer bets for users here in a live thread by the help of one of the known escrows here, as we see in auctions or ruffles. (is this against forum rules?)
This may look dumb for many of you because i don't take it seriously so i can't explain it well.
I want to know if this is possible here in btc forum or not. And if anyone can suggest more ideas on how to realize this.
Sorry for the bad english.
That is possible.
But before proceeding, what are you really trying to achieve here? I mean how the game will perform? What's the "literal" meaning of turtles competing in a course?
Way better to discuss it here so that once you open your game, there will be few questions that will ask.