Is good to save money for future use so we can make good use of it when ever we need to, now what if you decide to save money in your betting account will that be possible to?
We can decide not to save money in our fiat bank account or any other micro finance bank account for one reason or the other and save it in a licensed gambling sites can that idea be possible, will the money deposited there not be tempered with from the gambling platform or removed automatically from the account after keeping it for a long period of time?
I know it might be very hard to save money in a gambling site because we might have the feelings of winning if we try to stake, it can be hard for a gambler to save money in a gambling site but it will be easy for a non gambler, I put in mind that everything start one day so even a non gambler can try at the first, I bring this discussion here so we can discuss about it to keep our selfs busy.
First, no non gambler will agree to have his money saved in a gambling wallet, secondly, it doesn't make sense doing so cause the risk is not worth it.
What if the gambling site folds and exit the market out of financial crisis encountered, did you thought about what would happen to your money? Considering that traditional banks ain't that completely satisfying for some group of people but it's saver saving my money in their custody (if I decide to be fairly stupid) stead of saving my money in a gambling casino wallet.
If you have being around long enough within the crypto gambling industry you would have witnessed many online gambling casinos come and go never returning back from their extinction. Nothing stops you from saving your money in a non-custodial wallet where you have full control and custody. All you do is keeping your seed phrase safe.