Do we need to switch our jobs to online jobs or a full-time investment in cryptocurrency?
Online jobs and full time investment in cryptocurrency is kind of easy, because you will be working from house, but to be honest I won't advice anyone to completely depend on online jobs because anything can happen to the site at any moment, which incase if anything happens you have to start looking for another job online, which you might not get easily, online job is kind of difficult to get for people in my country, so whenever you lose the opportunity you are having, it will be difficult to get another one.
People think cryptocurrency is a easy way to make money, it might be a easy way to make money during a bull run, but what will happen during the bear market, like the current condition which we are, not everyone can be making money from cryptocurrency during the bear market, so incase when their is bear market how are you going to survive it? Or are you going to sell your investments at lost?
In conclusion I think both cryptocurrency investment and online job shouldn't be a full term job, it should be other source of income.
If you were fired by the company, would you still find a job you love as quickly as possible?Or you might choose to relax your mind and look for work again after a while.
Do you have better advice for work?
I think it's optional, you might want to have a rest first before getting another job, probably you are having other source of income or maybe you are having enough money with you at that moment.