It is the first one you show.
What if I reset my computer to an earlier date? say like early 2016. when the wallet was working.
my Bitcoin was bought at four different times. .45 then 15. two .10 or so. all four = .77.
I May have have some purchase info.
Thank you so Much for Your Replies!!
Ideally you should make backups of your wallet before you do anything else.
If you are running windows you can use these instructions to make backups.
Click the windows start button, then copy and paste the line of text below into the search box that appears, then press the enter key to open the hidden folder containing your multibit wallet files.
This is what your search box should look like after you have copied and pasted the line above into it.
Backup everything inside the folder that opens, including all the files and sub-folders.
Afterwards keep that folder open and try these instructions to get your coins.
Start multibit, select the wallet containing your coins, then click "tools", then select "export private keys" as shown in the screenshot.
A new tab should open like the one below. Select "do not password protect export file" at the bottom of the window, then click the "export private keys button".
Inside the folder you kept open there should be a new file with an extension ending in ".key". Open it in notepad and copy your wallet's private key. In the example file below the private key is the bit in red.
# Anyone who can read this file can spend your bitcoin.
# Format:
# [[]]
# The Base58 encoded private keys are the same format as
# produced by the Satoshi client/ sipa dumpprivkey utility.
# Key createdAt is in UTC format as specified by ISO 8601
# e.g: 2011-12-31T16:42:00Z . The century, 'T' and 'Z' are mandatory
KwUVsx4nd4UTHUtNTPnLEEqapCFvNiBrVASBZPa1ZvStQbUD87VK 2017-03-26T01:36:45Z
# End of private keys
After you get your private key install the electrum wallet and use these instructions to import the private key into electrum. your Bitcoins should immediately show up in electrum and be spendable from it. Don't let anyone know your private key because they can use it to steal your Bitcoins.
Multibit classic's maximum allowable fees aren't high enough for dealing with today's massive backlog of unconfirmed transactions. It's best to import the private key into electrum, enable dynamic fees in it, and spend your coins from there. That way you will get fast confirmations.