One thing I have observed about gambling is that, when you make it as your source of income, it put you in a very difficult situation whereby you start chasing, and when you start chasing, that when you lose more, it's really wrong to think you can make a career out of gambling, the only thing you will achieve by that is to get addicted, nothing more.
On the other hand, I am sure that if one day they calculate the number of wins with the number of losses they have experienced then the number of losses will definitely be greater and maybe you will also agree with this idea if you understand what gambling really is, the randomness that determines the results makes it difficult for us to win. and after all, this is business for the casino, which means it really doesn't make sense if we as gamblers come with the intention of earning, this violates the rules set by the casino where a gambler will get two things at the end of the session, namely either winning or losing and another reason is that there is absolutely no element of consistency in the final winning result, this will only happen occasionally. As you said and it is true, it is better for us to look for a job that is certain - of course one that promises to produce results, this is better.