Making gambling a full time job might be seen as risky but I still feel one can make gambling full time job and a career.
What do you all think?
Its hard to believe that gambling is used as a job or career to earn daily income and can be successful, whereas if you could understand all the risks and how gambling works, it would not be possible for you to think about this even for example, in this world there are 1000 people only 1 can be successful in earning income from gambling and even then it does not always go smoothly but sometimes you still lose.
and lets try simple way all types of casino bets all depend on luck and maybe poker games can be relied on using skill, but do we know whether our opponents are real humans or just bot players from the bookie?
next we take a simple example of sports betting and maybe people say that using an arbitrage strategy can be successful in getting a steady income and it not be that easy. you have to look for sportsbook that has different odds and on one hand, gambling is not allowed because if it is known by the bookie it will be done ban and banned account.
well, from some of what I said, this makes more sense to me and I do this by thinking using logic. and if you really want to be successful in gambling you can do it by becoming gambler who has your own gambling company or building gambling business or becoming a bookie. that success.