Unless no one else has debt also. In which case houses wouldn't be used as speculative assets. Imagine that, affordable houses.
In the medieval era landlords accumulated vast tracks of land. Didn't make it any cheaper for the peasants.
I already own real estate and rent it out. I'm not intending on selling any of it anytime soon. In fact I might bury it in a trust so my children can't sell it either
All trusts in the English speaking world have an end date. It is the law against perpetuity to stop assholes like you from ruining the world for the rest of us once you're dead as a door nail.
Correct it is called the Rule against Perpetuities. Except that it no longer applies in most jurisdictions.
It does where I live, which all I care about because it is not part of the hell hole wherever you call home if the rule against perpetuities has been revoked over there.
Anyway, most likely you misinterpreted the statutes repealing the common law rule against perpetuities. The statutes will set their own limits.