Simple answer: No.. it won't promote Mass adoption of Cryptocurrency. Stablecoins removed the hyped of volatility, which in the early phase of a adoption attracts investors. They removed the the possible profit of the incoming investors thus taking their interest away. Investors are the first explorer of any ventures, removing their profit means shutting them out.
It's just easier to start with a stable coin, to buy that first with your credit card and only after to exchange those stable coins
for some crypto-currency.
Why do I need to bother 2 steps when I can make a 1 step moves, it even saves me from extra fees.
Stable coin is good for traders, if you wish to avoid certain drops and keep your dollar value intact you
can exchange any coin for a stable coin while the bear market lasts.
Doesn't this method incur losses?
As an investment stable coins will remain stable and bond to certain value, that's why they are not the objects of my interest.
I am interested just in long-term investments that can be very profitable in years to come.
And this is just an indirect way of saying it won't help in Adoption of cryptocurrency.
BitDane I don't use stable coins, from my reading I found out that stable coins have the lowest fees. Some
wallets have options for buying stable coin first, which is easier and that to swap it from the wallet. Now there
are many stable coins!
Trading is a risk! That method can incur losses!
What I am saying that some people use stable coins. If it's used than it helps in adoption. It can't help more
than some top coin, but it contribute to crypto-eco-system.