
Topic: Can the media protect our democracy and freedom? - page 2. (Read 389 times)

jr. member
Activity: 57
Merit: 6
It makes you wonder really. When you turn on the news and all you see is negative things happening in the world, terrorism, murders, missing people, tragic accidents. Where is all the good stuff that happens day to day? Is it really because people are only interested in negative news or is it because to keep the populace wary and scared makes them easier to control?
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
The question is very relevant.
Bring Voltaire or John Lock back from the dead and they will write you an outstanding essay on the subject.
Which of these philosophers did not fight for independence and freedom?
Unfortunately, the media supposed to be the strength of democracy is sometimes trapped.
Where is the trap? The Power or illusion to control everything.
Actually, it is easy to understand. Let us check this argumentation: Media is communication. It is the lever of all action.
 To control the media is to control the mass.
To control the mass is to win the elections.
 To win elections is to have power.
To have the power is to need the media to stay there as long as possible.
In addition, the media sometimes or even often helps to hide the truth.
Can we trust the news? Can we trust the local media? Well!

I do not trust the news. And among my acquaintances there is no person who would 100% believe the news. With the advent of social media, the situation has become even more difficult. On the one hand, you can learn and analyze all the positions and opinions. But there are too many information. And too many fakes. The only way out is to use your own head and common sense.
full member
Activity: 307
Merit: 101
I think no because I think that democracy and freedom is a big thing and I think, the persons that can protect it is us also. The thing is media nowadays is now hiding some truths meaning they are already filtering information. That somehow breaks the freedom of everyone to know the truth. Media also cannot be taken always as a credible source to consider. Also, media indeed affects us but in the recent time we are right now, everyone gets critical and that's a good thing. The thing is media now becomes a flatform of misinformation making them not creiboe enough to affect something.
jr. member
Activity: 73
Merit: 1
You talk about the media like it is supposed to do something specific. Who decided what the media is suppose to do? It would be interesting to study the evolution of news reporting. There is no governing body over all media on the earth telling them what they should and shouldn't do. News outlets try to tell people what is new in their region and sometimes in the world. Since nobody can check the facts of every story they come across, they rely a lot of trust. Unfortunately, some people in high positions in government and business realize that they can use the media to shape public opinion. They don't even necessarily have to lie, they can just tell one side of a story. The media could technically help protect democracy and freedom, but it is certainly very tricky to figure out who to trust.
full member
Activity: 574
Merit: 108
Media undeniably plays a vital role in the government as they are considered to be the "watch dogs" onto what the government is doing. The concern and interest of the people of a certain country for the common good must prevail in the principles of media and must be reflected upon their deeds. However, the 'control' over the media ruin it all. By that, it made me realize that in today's world and generation, no one is strongly in charge about the protection of our democracy and freedom but us, only we are capable of doing that willfully. Hence, we should learn what, how, when, why and where the information is going to be collected. We should learn how to be critical and keen observer.
Activity: 3346
Merit: 3130

Best thing we can do is learn to turn our attention inwards, learn logical fallacies/critical thinking and remind ourselves not to trust everything we read or see.

Sometimes through fallacy, you can "guess" the truth, for it is in the subtext. The most one want `s to hide something, the more you can guess what`s behind.
But, yes, anything we read can be a lie or a partial vision of some truth, so to be careful and to develop a critical mindset is totally necessary in this crazy world!!
Activity: 62
Merit: 0

Can we trust the news? Can we trust the local media? Well!

No, we can`t. Media has been at the service of the governments for long now. Even "independent" newspapers trend to end at the at the same service when enough money is offered to them.
So, yeah, to find "the truth" (whatever "truth" means) is really difficult.
Do you remember "1984", by Orwell? How the "Ministry of Truth" used to change the news in order to legitimate the current government? Well, that is actually happening.

this, essentially.

Even the internet and decentralized points of "alternate news" are compromised (NSA/GCHQ etc create masses of disinformation). But decentralization and web 3.0/4.0 is still our best bet.

Best thing we can do is learn to turn our attention inwards, learn logical fallacies/critical thinking and remind ourselves not to trust everything we read or see.
Activity: 3346
Merit: 3130

Can we trust the news? Can we trust the local media? Well!

No, we can`t. Media has been at the service of the governments for long now. Even "independent" newspapers trend to end at the at the same service when enough money is offered to them.
So, yeah, to find "the truth" (whatever "truth" means) is really difficult.
Do you remember "1984", by Orwell? How the "Ministry of Truth" used to change the news in order to legitimate the current government? Well, that is actually happening.
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
The question is very relevant.
Bring Voltaire or John Lock back from the dead and they will write you an outstanding essay on the subject.
Which of these philosophers did not fight for independence and freedom?
Unfortunately, the media supposed to be the strength of democracy is sometimes trapped.
Where is the trap? The Power or illusion to control everything.
Actually, it is easy to understand. Let us check this argumentation: Media is communication. It is the lever of all action.
 To control the media is to control the mass.
To control the mass is to win the elections.
 To win elections is to have power.
To have the power is to need the media to stay there as long as possible.
In addition, the media sometimes or even often helps to hide the truth.
Can we trust the news? Can we trust the local media? Well!
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