Since this thread was bumped, for anyone that comes across it: Joystream is still working with testnet coins only.
Yea, the legal issues with piracy are going be a huge hill to climb, before they would be able to go live with this. I doubt if this is ever going to go off the
ground. The anti-piracy organizations are going to have a field day with this, once people start accepting payment for seeded content. There is a huge
difference between sharing copyrighted material and sharing it for payment. I would be very careful, if I were you.
Joystream developers have nothing to do with what content their users seed. It's the same old story... People kill people, guns don't kill people and I am yet to see any weapon maker being sued or fined because they sell weapons that feed wars. If we allow weaponary companies to operate and metal extraction for weapon creation, we must allow the Joystream team to develop their software.
When anti-piracy organizations start having their "field days" with this issue, they should direct themselves to users that misuse the application, not the developers. Just like ISP's shouldn't be sued because users use their connections to download pirated content.
Seeding a Linux distro isn't a crime. Many have official torrents. Maintaining mirrors for distros requires time and money. By outsourcing iso distribution to torrents, distro developers and mirrors are effectively saving money on bandwidth and providing users with something that might even be a faster service for downloading their software. By having paid downloads more users have an incentive to seed while the impact of charging a few bitcents to downloaders to get their distro isn't that much of a hassle (people who don't want to donate can still download through a mirror or any other slower methods).
So, in short: downloader pays a few bitcents, distributed by all seeds and downloads distro at full speed. Seeders get some compensation for their efforts. Developers do not need to deploy servers and https mirrors. Universities who donate their servers for distro downloads can start using torrents to and get some revenue and cut down on bandwidth usage.
Seeding supposed to be something you do because you want to, not because you want earn money.
This is something very generous, but rarely seen in torrents. People need an incentive, which isn't bad because they're doing something that comes out of their pocket. Like I've read once "seeding in a public tracker is like fucking for virginity"... And we all know seedboxes exist, and you'd have to be crazy to use them without having anything in exchange.
I think if Joystream successful in future, piracy will be treated as something evil & it could restrict our freedom.
I wish Joystream huge success. I'd be very grateful to receive a few bitcents if someone wanted to download any distro I'm seeding. I'd probably even find a way to do it 24/7 if i got some coins out of it. I'd be very grateful and happy if Joystream caused a shift in this paradigm and a change in the way people think and see content distribution online, too.
I definitely wouldn't like to use this service and have development come to a halt just because people use the software in a way that is perceived to be wrong.
i just know about this site, and i think anyone with spare bandwith can use JoyStream and earn Bitcoin, at what ever price they choose, in exchange for seeding to peers.
How to start and how much can you earn by this seeding?
Who have experience with that? Is it safe for using?
As I've said a few posts back, they're still using testnet.