On the first oage of this sub-forum there are ~33 threads, with a total number of posts to average 1,000 each.
What does this mean? It means we don't have anything to talk about. We're rehashing the same ideas over the same topics...either out of laziness or greed.
Let's stop bullshitting around with each other. Let's stop posting to these beaten-to-death threads. Let's start new conversations or stop trying all together.
Let me summarize and rephrase the point of you making this thread. Shall we?
On the first page of this sub-forum there are so few threads but all the threads got so many individual spam posts, I should start yet another main thread to incentivize this huge signature opportunity.
Let's stop bullshitting the fact that I am posting something off-topic inside the economic forum. Heck , if I am using bashing others as the pretext of signature spamming signature campaign masters can't remove me from their campaigns right?
Very valid points, all of them.
Thanks for replying so that I can reply to get an easy +1 to my paid posts count.
Honestly I'm expecting the intersection of pay-for-post activity and the policing of signature spam posters by Campaign owners, the Community, and Mods to result in better variety of conversation.
Honestly I'm expecting to get paid more by debating about sig spam by using sig spam on irrelevant boards.
Not all signature campaigners are spam posters. Not all post with poor quality or unoriginal content. I'm one of them, I believe I set a better example.
I believe it is a first that anyone thought of using "encouraging creativity" as a front for me to sig spam. Typing a bunch of perfectly readable sentences using good English means that my posts are not of poor quality nor are they unoriginal. I believe I set the best example of subtle signature spam.
Maybe we need to do a better job policing the regurgitated posts we see in this sub-forum every single day. What else can we do?
I need someone else to reply , preferably someone to talk more about what else can we do, so I can sig spam more.
Seriously HabBear? You need to resort to this? I have reported this post to the mods to either move to the off-topic or trash section. For all its worth, if somehow the system pays me for this particular post, I will refund double to Lauda.
The next time you want to act a saint, do so somewhere where there are no conflict of interests in what you say.