I guess I will probably have to end up suffering the hodl cult for many years down the road. I wonder if some of the people posting "hodl" even know where it came from or if they are just mindlessly following the hodl cult.
Perhaps this thread could possibly upset some of you, but this day was coming and you knew it. You knew it hodl cult. You knew. You all thought you could get away with this terrible grammatical error and no one would stand up and fight.
So for the rest of you who have secretly crept in the Bitcoin shadows and hated the hodl cult. This is your chance. Your chance to come out and fight. And when you fight, don't do it for your gold, land, or your own materialistic gain. Do it for your brothers and sisters in the Bitcoin community. As a single unit we may be weak, but as an army we are unstoppable! Who's with me! Huh?! Who's with me! Let us end this once and for all!
This is the internet, Bitcoin is a part of if, and I guess you know what memes are why people use them right?!
If you don't like it than just ignore it, but you can't stop that. Memes are a part of the Bitcoin community and it's history.
Same as for instance "halvening" or also "rekt" in the crypto trading community.