Yes advertising on gambling sites such as various article publicists, influencing or signature campaigns can be a type of job and can be considered a full time job but gambling is not considered a job. So it is not right to consider or accept it as full time or part time job. Meanwhile should be taken only as fun. Otherwise gambling addiction can lead to death for you. Gambling does not guarantee profit to anyone so choosing gambling as a job is a big mistake. So you should always keep this in mind
Well, it was clear to us that some become successful in gambling and some are not. For many reasons, too hard to think about considering gambling as our full-time job but of course, we can consider this as a way of pleasing ourselves from stress.
I'm not sure how the other works on their life and become a successful gambler because even asking them and following what they have said, we can't assure that we can be successful as well. And probably it is because they were destined to such profession while most of us do not.
There's no assurance indeed, even you will listen to what they said and try following their patterns the outcome might not be the same, we can't predict what future will be for us, and for my own take, treating gambling as regular source of income will be far from reality, not good in controlling my emotions and I'm always a fan of yoloing when I feel that it's time for me to leave the house,
most of the time I lose everything inside my bankroll though there's some occasion that I win and enjoy treating myself but counting the numbers is incomparable to the amount of money I lose while playing.