My country is very spiritual because we believe in prophesies from religious leaders. Many of them would start making claims about their past prophesies about about the fall of Bitcoin. So I expect headlines like Bitcoin Armageddon and Prophesy Fulfilled from our religious leaders. The government of my country has been against the use of Bitcoin, infact it is illegal in my nation. The central bank of my country have predicted that Bitcoin would loss its worth in future. Hence I am expecting headlines like Bitcoin Fall: Central Predictions Accurate and Bitcoin Catastrophe: Always follow Central Bank Directives . Our politicians would use it to score cheap political point. Hence expect headings like this; Bitcoin Fall: Our Economy is stronger . I am visualizing one that say; Help! Help! Bitcoin is Drowning.
Yeah Yeah, you know what I know, lol, religion will probably be a big issues for Africans.
A female Nigerian singer sang a song saying " Bitcoin dey my wallet like this " meaning have got hold of Bitcoin in my wallet, since the down movement of Bitcoin, are line has been used to crack several jokes, saying she must have sold are
BTC already. Also had a dialogue with an elderly friend from the church and I gave some ideas bto him about Bitcoin, and he was like "Bitcoin will be the general money used by the world in doomsday" I had thought over over and over and it couldn't slide, couldn't help but stop telling and exchanging words with him about
BTC ever since.