So Don't be an ass buddy.
= MWD64 should shut up and accept that he needs to be forced to do things and will be thrown into a cage for violating things that a bunch of corrupt idiots scribble on paper because a bunch of other people gave them power.
I'm not being an ass. I'm rejecting the idea of leaders. Democracy is 51% tyrannizing 49%. Democracy is two wolves and a cat voting on what to have for lunch.
If I'd described the idea of the blockchain to you six years ago, and I'd said "We don't need money! We don't need PayPal or credit cards!" you'd probably have called me an ass.
I'm saying that you (and anyone else wanting to "fix democracy" with the blockchain) are "thinking inside the box" with a totally outside-the-box technology. Voting is so last century. Why try to burden new things with old models.
OK, so Bush wasn't "Democratically elected" the second time around. And he was a tyrant. Was Obama Democratically elected? Probably. And that guy kills kids by droning wedding parties. He even killed an American teenager for no good reason at all: also wants to have total control over the Internet. Bush would have, if he'd really understood what the Internet was.
Do you think that streamlining the process for putting these psychos in power will change any of this?
The US also has a long history of unseating democratically elected leaders around the world to install their own puppet "leaders." That will NOT stop as long as people are backing the system by trying to "streamline the process." You're only improving the flow of murder, theft, fraud and aggression. The US isn't the only nation to do this. Not by a long shot.
Election fraud? Elected officials, ALL of them, EXIST
to do theft and fraud. That's their job description. That is what government is.
Lots of politicians from both the left and the right currently want to outlaw Bitcoin. Do you think that streamlining the process for putting them in power will change that?
Anyway, I "voted" with my voice on this, by making it the topic of my radio show on 20 stations with over 100,000 listeners today:
Using Decentralized Technology To Choose Centralized Leadership Is So SQUARE! — Freedom Feens live radio archiveShow archive: we're on: