if i was as fudded as CANN or URO i'd moderate the thread way more heavily. there's nothing beneficial in having a thread full of crap.
the whole nature of a forum is that you can make as many threads as you want, which is exactly what you're doing here ..
if people are interested in asking "tough questions" and they have a history of being a pain in the arse, then their history is against them.
if the questions are good enough, someone else will ask them.
what a crock of shit LOLOLOLOL
you guys defending your scams here use that excuse..
all the time and let me remind you douche nozzles here..
there is tons of scams posted all the time and each and every single fucking last one of you cry innocent little angel that gets FUD'd ..awww booo hoo
and you guys say stupid shit like that to silence people who expose your shenanigans.
and because of that
CONTEXT you should accept any and all questions
NO MATTER WHO IT COMES FROMYou guys are a fucking joke !
It's like whiny little faggots crying about being questioned about breaking the law in a jail surrounded by criminals.
You guys are brain dead and do not possess the ability to see reality.. you live in your own fucked up bullshit little scam token IPO fantasy world.
REALITY CHECK IDIOTSWhen you post THOUSANDS of scheme gimmick coins/tokens noooooooooooooooooooooon fucking stop with many being confirmed scams posted by anon liars
then............ NO......................................... YOU Do ----- N O T ----- Deserve the benefit of the doubt.
So guys let this topic be a warning..
they are censoring shit so then there must be a reason.. they have shit to hide /end of gay story.