I was sending CANN from CetueHJKA9k9MZF8srcQdH9m386oqmhbkT (CZ4hFhbhZdvf4HQNQygCJryVgYDMZ7Jp53) to CS2adYi4V1ZXEFAQTrxznk1xE2iMPC3nJi
Status: 0/unconfirmed
Date: 4.1.2017 12:50
To: bitt CS2adYi4V1ZXEFAQTrxznk1xE2iMPC3nJi
Debit: -16249.00 CANN
Net amount: -16249.00 CANN
Transaction ID: 5b45eaf0adc4b88cbca6a08f65e56e42efd02e1517d4834f526fa2d8dad93e74
Status: 0/unconfirmed
Date: 6.1.2017 09:08
To: bitt CS2adYi4V1ZXEFAQTrxznk1xE2iMPC3nJi
Debit: -17588.75418212 CANN
Net amount: -17588.75418212 CANN
Transaction ID: b2d022298afe20ac3bc634eb76f01d447553e4ed72dee9df0e8b25c27cdbda0f
https://prohashing.com/explorer/Cannabiscoin/ - - - Transaction hash not found
in windoz?
b4 you start copy the roaming folder somewhere, or atleast the wallet.dat
[help]>debug window>CLI>(type) checkwallet [enter]
if output is anything other than true type: repairwallet [enter]
that might fix it; if not, go to (or make one) the shortcut you use to start the wallet. right click the icon>properties. in the target dialog, append (space)*-salvagewallet, hit apply, start the wallet and wait a few, hope this helps, and of course make sure to make a safe copy of things first
-also remember to remove the command from the target line in the shortcut dialog, when you're done
*just leave a space