Yes, it looks like hardware faults is where it's at. I will try a new hard drive (actually have one lying around) and test the memory.
Re scams: I'm sure you're right about their existence. I don't read that many threads. But their frequency? Surely the ratio of genuine tech problems to mutual-scammer-backscratching must be quite high here? We're not talking about my granny trying to read MS Word documents in Firefox here.
And I may not be that tech savvy, but TeamViewer... come on, dude.
Knightdk: will do.
Thanks all.
Some of them possibly even start without evil intentions. But with time they learn that scamming here is easier than shooting fish in the barrel, and it becomes too hard to resist.
I'm kinda disappointed that you've regained your senses and decided to test hardware. Just less than a week ago I had interesting experience of watching similar scam (but one the corporate contract level and not related to Bitcoin) unfold personally in front of my eyes. They key hook was to convince person sitting in front of the computer with 3" floppy drive that there is no working drive there and they need to download the test program instead running one off of the 3" floppy. I learned a lot watching and listening that unfold.