1.Just like life is not a bed of roses,so also cryptosphere is not,every aspect of life come with challenges, you need to take time to analyze the challenges to be able to have a way out of it.
2.Don't just come with the mindset of taking profit because someone promised some signal which are all trial by error,learn what it takes to take profit.
3.Learn from the mistakes and the achievement of those ahead.
4.Don't limit yourself,there are so many areas to explore in the cryptosphere,learn as much as you can because the more you know,the more you see,opportunity will not surface until you learn what it takes to see it.
Believe me,your level in the cryptosphere is directly proportional to your knowledge of the cryptosphere.
Many try to run faster than their shadow but they keep finding themselves where their shadow is,meaning,you can only go as far as you know.