People should farm.
I agree. But let the people who are superb at farming do the farming. And let others create what they are best at creating. That is a win/win situation for everyone. Do you think everyone should farm? What if I don't like farming and would rather work for my boss so that I don't have to farm? Is my boss doing something bad by providing me with that option?
When people mass abandoned farms, a lot of harm was done. A lot of good may have come, but folks becoming dependent on an employer wasnt one of those goods. Valuation of work cannot be standardized.
I do labor, which results in me having food. It isn't an exchange, though. It's the gift economy combined with cleverness and reciprocity on my part that feeds me
The nature of reality is that you ARE depending on food and shelter. Either you get those by creating them yourself or you create something different and exchange that for those things. Or you choose to work for someone else to get those things. We are always dependent on working because of our biology and the world we live in. It's your own choice that you can either work for yourself or for an employee. It's good to have that choice. Not everyone likes the responsibility of working for yourself. Those people are happy to have jobs.
Everyone might find joy in gardening.
A boss might be someone who guides you in fufilling your potential, rewards you for personal growth and is supportive of your needs. This is a far cry from the common boss, who one feels obliged to for a slip that you divide to analogous entities that allow you to have lights and a phone or pay taxes and buy mostly useless crap or nutrient vacant stomachstuffings.
How high up should the free standard of living be? Air, certainly. Love, hopefully. Water as long as nestle doesn't copyright it... Food? I personally think so.
Utilities? Internet access? Medical care? You don't need state communism to make those free, just open sourcing.
Then why use money at all? Perhaps specialty luxury items, art, personal favors, encouragement of persuing goals...
If we all agree to transition to a free/gift economy, an intermediary is neccessary between the clusterfuck that is capitalism and my microbrand of anarchism. The one made up for this comtext, that is.
Even after the transition, value abstracted still has use.