This is a really good start to something that could become the encyclopedia of bitcoins! May I ask how you got your data?
Thankyou! It is my goal to make the website the undisputed source for info regarding physical coins. I got a large portion of the circulation data napalm's Bitcoin Analyzer which I have linked in the book. Other info came from around the web, people posting dimensions of the coins on threads, the Casascius blog, measuring and weighing my own coins, and sending requests to some people holding certain coins to get measurements.
The 'highest grade' is simply the highest I could find with a quick Google search (and we can assume those getting the best grades would brag a little online)
Awesome job. If you havent already, you should give this its own dedicated post. This could definitely be an official reference guide.
FYI...another user recently did a similar research. You may wish to check out and cross-check that you both came up with similar information. One interesting thing is he found there were less than 700 Gold Silver 1 BTC coins made based on the addresses he found.
the thread is found here; but It's not getting much attention for showing me Spotcoins; I was not aware of that research. Interesting point on the 1btc coins; I simply went with mikes statement that he converted 700 coins into those.
Quick question, if I'm reading your notes correctly if a 2011 1 BTC coin was funded in 2012 you're counting that as a 2012 1 BTC coin? I'm referring to the "*Numbers refer to..." note on page 7 of the PDF.
For this book, I decided to count each
physically different coin as an 'individual. That means that if 2011 marked S2 brass coins were founded in both 2011 and 2012, they still count as the 'same coin;, though the year they were respectively funded is shown if known.
Due to the info sources I have, I cannot distinguish between brass coins marked 2011, 2012, and 2013; I can only know the hologram version and date of loading. These numbers therefore assume that no 2011 s2's were founded in 2012, and so fourth, even though Mike is known to have done so with many of his other coins. I will be looking to get more accurate figures for when the 'BIG BOOK' comes out; doing this for EVERY crypto themed coin produced by anyone ever. This book will be essentially 1 (large) chapter in it.