Yup I think everyone will definitely agree with the idea that the most enjoyable part of gambling is winning, but the problem is that not all gamblers can really take advantage of the opportunity properly such as by cashing out the winnings they have received, there are always some of them who continue the game by betting 2-3x which is the goal is to get a bigger winning amount, and in the end, as we often see, they lose all the winnings again because the results are not as they expected.
I also think that winning is a bonus in gambling because in any case I think we all know how difficult it is to get that win, so when you manage to win, take advantage of that opportunity, because in any case ending the game with a win is much better than losing.
I myself was one of those people who spent everything down to the last cent in the casino. Well, I was that kind of person. What's the point of hiding it? I myself was not very pleased to realize this, but I could not do anything about the excitement that appeared even with the most modest win. This is the very disgusting part that makes many people addicted. It is very difficult to overcome yourself. Personally, I managed to give up gambling with difficulty. Well, naturally, it helped that no one wanted to lend money anymore, since they could not pay back the previous ones.
Hmm yeah no problem buddy, everyone will never be free from mistakes and even though I said above that a gambler should not be greedy when gambling but that doesn't mean I've never done it buddy, I'm also one of them and you too, because when we are gambling sometimes it is very difficult to always be able to maintain awareness in ourselves until in the end yes we fall and get carried away without us realizing it, but in my opinion at least we have realized that it was a mistake that we made which maybe with that awareness it can help us not to repeat the same mistake.
You stopped gambling with difficulty? it seems we have some similarities here, I am also a former addicted gambler, I really understand how difficult it is to restrain ourselves from gambling when we really want to do it, and I also understand how much pressure we feel when the results are not as expected, but congratulations buddy because you have succeeded, and maybe now you can be more responsible.