corporate social responsibility (csr) is an activity carried out by companies on the social and environmental impacts caused by their company's operations, and in this case, casinos have the potential that their operations can cause many cases of addiction in society. there have been many cases of addiction caused by gambling and usually the families of these victims bear the costs of rehabilitating these addicts themselves. usually the family will pay for the various needs of these addicts, such as food, hospitalization, etc., and that is not a little because there are addicts who need months to recover.
my question is, do casinos need to be charged to carry out csr to rehabilitation centers so that these rehabilitation centers can provide discounts for cases related to gambling addiction? and what about online casinos, how should they carry out csr since they operate globally?
In as much as you can't force these casinos to embark on any CSR task that they are not interested in you, can on the other hand
Try to intimate these casinos operators about the negative impact of their activities in the lives of their customers and their mental health too, and also come up with meaningful suggestion as to how these negative impact can be mitigated, research have shown that a certain percentage of gamblers either end up becoming insane as a result of depression whereas some end up committing suicide due to depression also, but this doesn't mean casino operators would want to start throwing monies around to rehabilitation centers for the treatment of such individuals but I think one of the ways these casino operators can help is to be on the forefront of the campaign against irresponsible gambling, and also regulating the amount of money any gambler can spend per time, with these measures in place I think one might not get into trouble.