So, I recently had this funny experience while playing a casino game a friend recommended and I decided to deposit some funds into the game. Second spin boom! I won a good amount. I was so happy, already planning my victory dance and thinking about cashing out immediately.
But then, this tiny voice in my head whispered, What if you spin again? I mean, if you won this much with just two spin, imagine how much more you could win. And like a true over optimistic person that I am, I listened.
Spin after spin, I watched my winnings going down. Before I knew it, not only was my prize money gone, but the money I deposited also disappearing. And just when I was about to hit rock bottom, my very last spin miraculously won me a tiny token again. At that point, it felt like the universe was patting me on the shoulder, saying, Here, take this and stop fooling yourself 🤣
That little win was the slap my brain needed to reset. I immediately told myself to stop, Log out now before you start selling properties to fund the next spin
The funny thing is, I usually pride myself on being super calculative when it comes to gambling. I know when to stop, but that day? That day, I didn’t know what possessed me. Maybe it was the game hypnotizing me. Who knows?
One thing I’ve realized, though, is that casino games have this sneaky way of convincing you to continue spinning"just one more time." I can’t be the only one who’s fallen for that trap, right?
So, what's your experience with casino games? Do they whisper sweet things into your ear too, or is it just me?
I am not sure if you hear yourself, and how exactly are you fooling yourself. This doesn't sound anything big, and it's not like you are losing your house, and you can brush it off with a humor. But seeing yourself as " super calculative", sounds like a mental evasive maneuver, shifting blame to slot machine hypnosis, for not acting like you see yourself.
Imho we all make mistakes, and it's healthy to just admit that you might not be super calculative, when given the right circumstances.
And that you are just as susceptible as other people, because you are a human like everyone else, doing mistakes like humans sometimes do.
Imho it's great that you can eventually pull yourself out, and not getting too hooked in, but realizing that you aren't acting like you have planned, is something you shouldn't take too lightly.
If you would have won bigger amount, i am pretty sure that you wouldn't say that slot machine hypnotized you, but that you followed your insticts.
That would be fooling of yourself and could have triggered addiction. And these reward mechanics are something we need to keep ourselves aware of.
The fact that you can still quit gambling while in loss is a skill and something should treasure. It's a skill you can't buy with money.