What's allowed in Florida may possibly be a big offense in Massachusetts, but all in the same county. You don't expect the rules given out by different regulatory bodies to be exactly the same thing, otherwise, there's certain no point of breaking the monopoly -- one body can pass their laws onto every single casino and that's fine.
Again, the said casino isn't really popular -- atleast to me (or maybe I'm a little bit too old to know about them) but they haven't been in system for as long as 10 years. Rule of the game is, the more you GROW, the more you FLOW with the system. I'm not gonna sit there and watch several people struggle to wager on my site but can't, meanwhile, every single bet counts towards the net profits that I make daily, bi-weekly or annually...
So many casinos(without any legal restrictions) are folding up due to the surge in expenses over the net profits, talk more of bringing in the same restrictions when you're not widely known.