I am not sure if you are really looking for feedback or if you just wanted to grab a free backlinks, anyway, I will share my 2 cents.
Your site is a very "basic/standard" casino affiliate site with thin content if you ask me. You will have a hard time getting natural traffic from google. Your competitors spend many thousands of $$$$ for backlinks, other marketing channels and also content. If you as a "one man show - I guess thats what you are - want to compete, you will really have to rock with your content. Write content that is really helpful to visitors, provide information others dont, have an opinion etc. I dont see that right now and for that reason I am afraid there is no reason why anyone should use your site instead of all the other gambling affiliate sites out there.
I really dont like your content, sorry but I recommend working on it if you want to be successful. By the way, those translations (German for example) are of extremely low quality, obviously automated.
Some of my suggestions quick and short:
1) Write much much muuuuuuch more content, write better content, write content people cant find on another 10000 sites. Your reviews arent actual reviews and the rest of your content (tips, general stuff) are really 0815. Add a blog/news section and add fresh content regularly, promoting cool promotions or just industry news
2) Rethink your seo strategy - trying to rank for "best online casinos and casino games" is gonna get very hard, if not impossible (especially when looking at the site as is now)
3) At this point not too important but if I were you, I would switch now before you start adding more stuff - please use another design/theme/template. While your site looks quite clean and thats cool, its not 2020 and you have so many great options out there. There are some great fully equipped gambling themes available for wordpress with much better layouts and features
I could write much more but I think that should do for the time being. Dont give up, that wasnt my intention and I didnt want to bash your site. Even though the competition in this field is huge, you can of course be successful but you will need to be ready to work a lot!