Hyper is over 30% inflation per month I believe so there is only one real cause, excessive production of irrefutable bank notes. At present USA or Japan or UK have hyper inflated bond prices, which means just as much that debt could deflate to zero worth and the currency would still retain its value. With the FED holding gov debt as an asset backing dollar, it would lose value also but Im not sure that is hyper or if a overnight 50% loss and a one time revaluing doesnt count
having a currency backed by nothing, over printing the currency and unregulated derivative banking policies.
Not the derivatives because that is a private contract and just as much can be lost as made. Usually it spikes then drops terribly, not nice to experience but ultimately the inflation value is lost and the net effect is just volatility not monetary expansion
The problem is the dollar notes because they cannot be refused without causing a failure of them all. Separate issued bonds have terms that be renegotiated, a haircut or whatever. Its a product which can fail where as the notes are the bottom line. AIG screwing up whatever is not a cause of hyper inflation. Maybe expansion and maybe a horrible mess, default and basically the effect deflation. Only when gov refuses to allow the failure, then its a problem as they are likely issuing dollars and then its hyper inflation
If Im wrong, feel free to say how. Most people take gov debt under too much influence, all that debt the trillions of it is promising dollars (in cash if demanded ?) so I cant see why you could look anywhere else for excessive dollar production