And then some fucktwat with loose lips ruined SIB. That lasted all of it getting listed on Nicehash, someone looking at the miners on YIIMP as there was someone strangely mining a algo no one else was touching, googled around, found some mention of Alexis here, asked for the miner EXACTLY as it's typed out on YIIMP, and deciding to inform Cryptominingblog that there is a faster miner so they would compile it... Completely putting aside the windows binaries are available in this thread.
I should've asked someone to compile the miner with a different miner name. I knew someone would notice the miner name on yiimp. Alternative being mining on Suprnova and getting shittier payouts without being able to shoot Epsylon some donations (in hindsight apparently would've been worth it) .
Can't handle keeping things to themselves once they figure it out. This isn't a game of share information when it comes to profitable niches, it's every man for himself. You give out information, you lose any lead you have and the niche that you've found, dumbshits. I swear the majority of miners are retards.
At least I got a couple weeks of mining out of it. Waited a day on posting this just to make sure it was absolutely destroyed. Back to mining Zcash.
Until you develop your own miner.
Knowing to check bitcointalk once in a while for latest miners doesn't give you that big of an advantage. Getting +20% sib for more than a month is quite good. I'd say that paid off. I would recommend donating a few percent to Alexis who open sourced the improvements.
Epsylon and Alexis both are the same entity. Thats the whole reason I was mining on YIIMP. It was a 2% donation.
Checking Bitcointalk gives you a huge advantage. There are all sorts of nooks and crannies here. It's sifting through all the information and finding the little crack no one has exploited yet. Then someone opens it up and it equalizes with Zcash, which is what just happened. There are plenty of niche coins on here that either aren't mainstream, have a miner that doesn't function quite just right, change algos and are now profitable, or have went untouched for close to a year and no one is looking at. There are a lot of case by case basis.
Information is EVERYTHING when it comes to mining. Any dolt can plugin a couple GPUs or a ASIC and mine Ethereum or Zcash. Matter of a fact that's part of the problem right now. More niche miners will hop on alt coins or less known coins and even it out with Zcash... People that have no idea what they're doing with too much hash will just bomb other coins thinking they earn more money and just makes everything less profitable for everyone.